Chapter Eleven: Aspen

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America knew that I was cheating on her.

But, how?

Yes, I was cheating on her, and yes, it was with Brenna, a Six, just like me. She was hot, okay? Light, brown hair, and blue eyes, bluer and deeper than America's ever were. Brenna had thick eyelashes and freckles spotted on her cheeks. I liked her, but with America, things were, um, different.

America was everything I had ever wanted. She was beautiful, stunning, even. I think I loved her. But America had always bugged me about things, like having a permanent relationship and all.

The thing was, I didn't want that. I wanted to experience different girls, not have just one for the rest of my life.

I knocked on the Singers' door. May answered.

"Leave us alone," she demanded.

I sighed. "May, please. Let me in."

"Why? So you can cheat on the rest of us?"

"May," I insisted. "Let me in."

She reluctantly opened the door. Thankfully, no one was home but her and Gerard, whom she was babysitting.

"Don't sit," May said as I was about to sit on the couch.

I remained standing. "Uh, okay. May, did you tell America?"

"Yes," she confessed. "Why wouldn't I? So she could come home looking forward to the boyfriend who had been cheating on her?"

I looked down at my feet. "May, is there any possible way that you can tell her I'm sorry?"

She shook her head, her autumn red bangs getting in the way of her pale blue eyes. "Aspen, you had your chance with her, and you blew it."

Somehow, my yearn for America had been greater than ever. I needed her. "May."

She ignored me and turned on the T.V. "Aspen, just face the fact that -"

Her eyes bulged wide open. I sucked in my breath.

"Oh no," May murmured.

A huge weight fell to the pit of my stomach as we watched Gavril Fadaye on the screen.

Gavril looked as shocked as May and I did. "Citizens of Illéa, the palace regrets to inform you that yesterday, the castle faced a severe Rebel attack."

Tears formed in my eyes.

"I have a list of the deaths suffered that early, early morning at the palace. After I finish reading all of the names, Illéa will be having a moment of silence for the lives we have painfully lost, and those who are injured."

I sat down on the couch, no matter what May had said. We both watched the screen in nail-biting tension and agony.

"Lady Kriss Ambers, one of the Selected," Gavril croaked, choking on his own tears. He continued. "Lady Emmica Brass. Lady Bariel Pratt. Lady Anna Farmer."

"This is terrible," I muttered. May, for once, agreed with me. I prayed and prayed that America's name would not be called.

"Lady Tiny Lee. Lady Natalie Luca. Lady Marlee Tames. Those are all of the Selected girls who had suffered death from the Rebels," Gavril said.

No one we knew was called, but we still waited for the news about America. Please.

"Now, we have suffered the deaths of guards and maids as well, including maids Anne and Mary, and guard, Carter Woodwork," Gavril announced. "Let them rest in peace."

I grabbed a tissue and wiped my tears. All these people, dying, from our stupid enemies! I was angered and devastated at the same time.

Gavril coughed. "But, the deaths that have most impacted our palace, let alone the country of Illéa, are King Clarkson and Queen Amberly."

Not them, it can't be them! No! Now Prince Maxon had to step up.

But at least America wasn't called. Maybe she was on her way home.

May wiped her tears, "This is so upsetting."

I nodded in agreement.

Gavril continued speaking. "We have some injured, as well, so if you would be as kind to listen to this list as well. Lady Elise Whisks, a Selected girl, has a broken leg, but is charging through recovery. One of the maids, Lucy, has been shot in her shoulder, but is going into surgery as we speak, and like Lady Elise, will be seeking full recovery." Gavril coughed and then continued. "A Carolina musician, America Singer, had fainted and has not yet woken up..."

"America!" May yelled, choking on her tears. "No! No! She can't be -"

I put my hand on May's shoulder. "She's not dead. She's still alive."

"But there's a chance," she croaked.

I closed my eyes shut, refusing to believe this news - any of it.

"But, our Prince Maxon has suffered from hypovolemic shock, where he has lost more than one fifth of his blood. He is being treated as we speak, but let's have a moment of silence for him, for all the lives we've lost, and for those who are injured and are seeking recovery."

May looked at her lap and quietly sobbed as I stared at the screen in shock, as everyone, including Gavril, had their head down, crying.

I didn't believe that this was happening. I was an idiot for cheating on her and for pushing her to be the party's musician. I wished it were me. It was all my fault that she was there, in the castle's hospital.

I felt like I could wake up, and this would all be over with. Like this was some nightmare that I could easily run away from by waking up.

As the moment of silence came to an end, Gavril received a new sheet of paper.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we have some new, updated news about America Singer."

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