Chapter Thirteen: Maxon

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{Quick Author's Note: before you read this chapter, be aware that what happened to Marlee is considered heavy content (not that bad, only mentioned once or twice). Please be aware of that, and thanks!}

I felt bad for abandoning America, but I needed to see what was wrong with Marlee. I followed Celeste to her hospital room.

"What happened?" I asked Celeste when we arrived at Marlee's closed door.

Celeste took a deep breath. "America was right, Marlee did run out into the forest. But, she tripped and fell, and was all alone. The Rebels found her and - well, one of the Rebels took advantage of Marlee."

I sucked in my breath. "Took advantage?"

Celeste gulped. "Um, the Rebels raped Marlee."

A mix of emotions swallowed me. Anger, pity, guilt, fear, devastation. While I was running from the enemies, they were raping Marlee.

"Celeste, this can't be true," I said.

She opened the door. "It is."

Marlee laid in her hospital bed, bawling. Her honey blonde hair was tangled and messy, while her mascara was running.

"Lady Marlee," I whispered, approaching her.

She rose up. "Maxon, don't come near me."

"Why?" I swallowed the lump forming in my stomach.

Tears streamed down her face. "I feel filthy. I don't deserve to be here."

"Marlee-" I began.

"Send me home," she insisted. "I want my family."

America rushed into the room. "Marlee, are you okay?"

"America," she bawled. "I want to go home."

I nodded. "Okay, Marlee. I will send you home. But, please, other than that, tell me what I need to do to make you feel better."

Marlee gulped, swallowing her tears. "Maxon, I don't think I can ever live with myself. I can't. Every time I look in the mirror, I hate myself. I think back to that awful, stupid man, and..."

"Marlee, don't talk like this," said America.

"Kill me, Maxon."

No. I would never do that. "Marlee, I can't."


I had never seen her like this. Whenever she was in the ladies' room, she was in such a spunky and optimistic mood. Seeing Marlee like this - it made me question how the happiest people suffered the most. Marlee was going to be emotionally traumatized for the rest of her life.

"Marlee, I can't kill you. I'd hate myself for the rest of my life," I protested.

"If I live, I'm going to hate myself for the rest of my life."

America began to cry. "Marlee, you can't do this."

Marlee seemed angered. "Look, you guys. I want to die. I have nothing to live for. I hate myself. I feel disgusted and violated and filthy. I want to die."

I was torn. "Marlee, I'm not going to kill you. Why, anyway? You have me, America, and your family."

Marlee murmured something under her breath.

"What?" I asked.

She raised her voice. "Carter isn't here."

"Who?" America questioned.

"Carter Woodwork, a guard." I rubbed my temples. "Why him?"

"I-I love him. I'm sorry Maxon, but one night, I ran into him. When I looked into his eyes, I fell in love. We were talking and talking until practically midnight, and parted with a kiss." Marlee wiped away a tear. "And then when I heard that he had died, I was angry at the Rebels and at myself."

"Marlee, I can't kill you. I'm so sorry. I-It's all against my morals.

Marlee sighed. "I hate myself. I feel disgusting and used because of those Rebels, and I can't live like that anymore. I want to die. I mean, who do I possibly have to live for?"

America stepped up. "Yourself, Marlee. Yourself, your family, your friends at home, me, Maxon, and Illéa. You can't let those Rebels win."

"They already have," said Marlee.

"Marlee," I said. "They haven't, not unless you die. Don't give up. We have excellent doctors, therapists, and anything you need here at the castle. And if you want to go home, you can. But don't kill yourself."

"I want to go home."

"Okay," I said. "Consider it done."

America sat down at the edge of Marlee's bed. Tears flowed out of her eyes. "I'm going to miss you Marlee. Don't give up." America hugged her, as did I.

"Marlee, I'm going to miss you too. But you are brave. You will do alright."

Celeste, who had remained silent through the conversation we had had, offered Marlee a simple hug. "Goodbye."

She rubbed her teary eyes. "Goodbye guys. Thanks."

And the next day, just like that, Marlee boarded on her plane and went home.

It had all went by so fast.

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