Chapter 5- Disaster Strikes

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I don't believe it. I just don't believe it. What started out as a brilliant week just ended up in complete, total disaster. Course Izzie told Nesta I'd seen someone I liked. That part was OK, in fact Nesta was really enthusiastic, though I did feel a prat when I had to admit that I hadn't even spoken to him.

'So how do you know what he's like?' she said.

'I don't. I just know we'll get on,' I replied.

'Then first of all, we have to get him to notice you,' she said.

'I know,' I replied.

I'd been thinking about it a lot. Is he going to be another in a long line of people who think I'm twelve and don't even register me? No. I was being positive. I'd find a way.

Don't wait for your ship to come in, swim out to it.

I had a plan.


Luckily I had Izzie to myself for the week. Nesta's in the school play and has rehearsals every night and, I have to say, I was relieved. Not wanting to be mean or anything, but she's what Lal calls a Top Babe and the chances were if He saw her, I wouldn't even get a look-in.

So. The plan was that Izzie and I'd get the bus up to Highgate and hopefully bump into him, sort of accidentally on purpose.


Tuesday p.m.: went to Highgate. I like it up there. Tall white Georgian houses set back behind wrought iron railings around the square. Très posh. And the village isn't like the rest of London with big supermarkets and chain stores. The shops up there are all individual and interesting. Little jewellery shops and nick-nacky places. We got so absorbed in looking in the windows at the we almost forgot to look for Mr MC. Mystery Contestant. (That's Izzie's nickname for him.) 

We tore ourselves away from the shops and walked past the school about twenty times. We hung around at the bus stop. Boys of every shape and size were pouring out. But did He appear? No.


Wednesday p.m.: Highgate. This time we went to the cafés. Café Uno. Café Rouge. Costa's. I was getting cappuccinoed out by the time we'd finished. Everywhere was full of St Michael's boys. But Mr Top Totty? (My nickname for him.) No.

'Maybe he's off with flu or something,' said Izzie.

'Maybe I imagined him,' I said. His image was already starting to fade in my mind.


Thursday p.m.: walked past the school and did the cafés. I was running out of pocket money. It's an expensive business looking for the Mystery Contestant. Still no show.

Friday: Izzie was convinced he's off with a bug.

  'But you don't know for definite,' I said. 'And if he was, he might be better by now.'

We did our usual walk past the school but, once again, he didn't appear.

  'Let's go to Costa's,' said Izzie. 'That's where most of them go.'

Just at that moment, we saw Nesta crossing the road and waving. She looked amazing. Although we don't have to wear school uniform, she sometimes wears her own version and puts on a shirt, tie, skirt and three-quarter stockings. Very Britney Spears. She'd hitched her skirt up and her legs looked fantastic. Cars were almost driving into lampposts as male drivers did double-takes.

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