Wattpad Tag

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A/N: Hello my wonderful readers, this is your author, KindredxSpirits, and to the my luck, I was tagged in a 10 Facts About Me, Wattpad Tag by the author, luna__reader and so I'm going to shut my author's note trap and get started.

Q: What fandom did you join first?

A: In all honesty I joined the Star Wars fandom first, since my family would always watch the movies when I was growing up, so it would definitely be the Star Wars Fandom. But shortly after my Father bought me a Wonder Woman/Diana Prince Rubber Doll, (no not a plastic Barbie doll) and I've been attached to the comic book world ever since.

Q: When did you join the Wattpad Community?

A: I joined the Wattpad Community in October of 2013, according to my profile, and in case anyone was wondering my first story ever, was an Isaac Lahey (Teen Wolf) Fan-fiction called Honesty Against Love.

Q: Favorite Color?

A: I feel as if it's always gone back and forth with blue and black over the years, but my number one favorite would have to be black. It's just the color that honestly goes with everything. Except orange or yellow. I'll feel as if I am a bumble bee or representing Halloween in March. (I think you can guess my least favorites by now)

Q: Dan or Phil?


Q: Marvel or DC?

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Q: Marvel or DC?

A: I definitely lean more towards DC, but Marvel is definitely up there. I have always been more attracted to the more broody and darker side of the comic universe. (favorite comics? Birds of Prey Series, Suicide Squad Series, also excited for that movie in August, Gotham Sirens Comics, Detective Comics, The Killing Joke, Many other Batman Comics, Wonder Woman, Super Girl, Justice League and so on..)

Q: Why did you start writing Fan-fictions or stories?

A: I started writing the second I joined Wattpad. I fell in love with the way Wattpad had no regulations to write, an escape from the everyday English essay or History research paper. You can write what you think, dream, want, wish, everything that comes to you can be shown to readers, authors, and publishers all over the world. Wattpad became my number one social media addiction, and I've loved it ever since.

Q: Who inspires you to make stories?

A: Any author or nearly every book I've ever read based off of things that inspire them. (J. Shirvington, M. de la Cruz, C. Clare, J. Green, J. Dashner, B. Kiely, J. Reynolds, JK Rowling, V. Roth, S. Collins, R. Mead, S. Meyer, etc.)

Q: Celebrity crush?

A: Ryan Reynolds, because he is a hilariously lovely human being.

Q: Real Life Name?

A: This is a very unfair question, since many of us do not wish to state our identities on the internet for our own safety. My readers who have been here since before I started taking my name off of my covers and profile know it or knew it and I trust to keep that privacy between me, them, and the Wattpad Community. So forgive me for not fully answering this question, but you should all understand my reasons as to why I chose not to.

Q: Do you have a message to your fans?

A: Write, read, draw, live, love, laugh, and never let anyone, ever tell you what and what not to do. Be you, be inspired, be the inspiration, change the world for the better, and be kind to one another. Always. There is far too much hate in this world to be hateful along with it. I love you all, and tag the people and the questions below, be sure to keep your bubble burping purple turtles happy and content.













1: What/Who inspires you?

2: What is your favorite story on Wattpad? (If not on Wattpad then in the world)

3: Favorite band/artist?

4: Happiest moment in your life so far?

5: What fandom do you consider yourself to be the most apart of?

6: When did you join the Wattpad Community?

7: Favorite food(s)?

8: What is something about you that others find strange, but you consider awesome?

9: Are you excited for the movie Suicide Squad? Why or why not?

10: Any talents?


1) You must answer each question completely and honestly.

2) This tag cannot be avoided if you are tagged.

3) Have fun!

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