Chapter 9

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A/N: Sorry guys just been so busy and tired lately, One of my best friends is heading back to Pamplona, Spain soon so I'm a bit upset.

Anyway... Let's see what Danny has to say this morning.


The room stung my eyes for a few seconds.

'Why am I in the living room?' I asked myself.

"Morning sleepyheads'." Peter's voice greeted in a chair at the foot of the bed.

"Peter what the hell?" I asked, annoyed he was stalking me.

"That's funny considering you finally slept with Derek." Peter announced. "Did the Hale charm finally get to you?"

"What the freak are you talking about?" I hissed. I really wasn't a morning person.

He nodded to my right, I looked over and Derek waved at me.

"We didn't sleep together, right Derek?" I asked him.

"We didn't sleep together as in sex or lying next to each other?" He asked.

"Sex." I said.

"No, we just fell asleep next to each other." He assured me, I fell on my back in relief.

"Oh thank the Lord!" I praised the ceiling.

"What's that suppose to mean?" Derek asked raising a hurt eyebrow.

"What? Oh no, I didn't mean it like that! It's just we're best friends, it would completely ruin our friendship, don't you think so?" I asked Derek.

He nodded.

"Yeah I agree with you completely." He said.

"'Kay, well I'm going to go get dressed, and head to work." I announced.

"Work?" They asked.

"Yeah, I'm detective, Petra and Derrière." I stated."I'm not an idiot you know."

"Arrest me." Peter flirted, clawed him in the leg. "Agh! You know my healing has slowed!"

I smirked at him at the stairs.

"Yeah I do know."

I was getting change only to see Cora sitting at the edge of my bed.

"Hey Cora." I greeted.

"Hey, listen, Would you mind getting me some water?" She asked, she was using all her strength right now just to hold herself up.

"Hey, Hey, Will you relax? And yea, I'll be right back, but your not getting anything if your not relaxed." I ordered jokingly.

She laughed before I headed downstairs.

"You lied." I heard Peter say, I cautiously hid myself, from being seen. "You must be relieved she didn't catch your heartbeat drop."

"She doesn't have to know." Derek growled at his Uncle.

"Is it because she rejected you, or because you don't want anything to happen?" Peter asked. Derek hung his head down and looked away."You want something to happen, don't you? You just don't want to be rejected."

Derek picked up a picture of us both. He was going to rip it.

"I'm not letting her in anymore, not anymore. I broke down my walls for her, but I just can't do it anymore knowing that she doesn't feel the same way." Derek paused, placing his fingers in the middle of the picture, pinching it.

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