Chapter 7

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Derek's POV:

"Where's she going to go?" I asked them. "Where's she going to stay?"

"Maybe she went to blow off some steam." Cora tried to assure me.

"I've never seen her that pissed off, There's no telling where she'll go and if she'll ever comeback." Peter explained to Cora. I sat down and ran my fingers through my hair.

"I can't believe I did this, I can't believe I pushed her away. Peter's right Cora, She's gone." I mumbled quietly so only they can make out what I said.

"Derek, don't, please don't give up on her." Cora kneeled down next to me. "She'll come back."

"If she does, she'll never forgive me, I screwed up, big time." I sighed.

"Why didn't you go after her?" Cora asked. There was a knock at the loft door.

I got up and walked over to see Jennifer, she noticed my expression and said.

"What's wrong? Planned on seeing someone else?" She asked walking through the door, she waved at Cora and Peter. "Hi."

They waved back before grabbing their stuff and leaving.

"Uh, actually yeah, Danny left." I said.

"So? This is bad, I thought we wanted her to leave, so we could be alone." She asked confused.

"No, Yeah, I know, it's just, The way she made it sound before she left, sounded like she was never coming back."

"Oh, I'm sure she didn't mean it, Just let her blow off some steam, so we can have a lot of alone time." She winked before pulling to the bed, I smiled.


I wasn't really sure if I was doing the right thing, still being here in Beacon Hills, but I had to see one last person before I left, I already had said goodbye to Scott, Stiles, Boyd, Isaac, Lydia, and Allison over the phone. I had texted Mr. Argent goodbye, I told Peter and Cora over the phone that I was already on my plane, not to where so they wouldn't follow me.

But there still was one last person I had to say goodbye to.

"Hey Doc." I greeted him, he greeted before opening the mountain ash gate. I followed him to behind the clinic.

"What brings you here today Miss Griffin?" He asked. I sighed loudly before replying.

"Nobody can know I was here, understood?" I asked, he nodded.

"I'm leaving Deaton, tonight. Derek doesn't want me anymore, He has yet an another sunshine, I had said my farewells to everyone, You Doc, are the last. I just had a question I needed an answer to before I go."

"What is it?" He asked.

"You know I'm a pure beta, I assume." He nods his head."What does it mean if they can sense, death, like in the sound of a voice, the scent, what does it mean Doc?"

"You've been sensing Death recently, may I ask whom?" He asked, I shook my head.

"No, I'd like it to be kept anonymous." I said.

"Sure thing, but right now I do not have the answer, I will call you when I do."

"If I don't answer text me, in Gaelic, I don't want eavesdroppers."

"Understood, I'll contact you soon, hopefully." He said, I waved.

"Bye Doc!"

"Danielle, wait." I turned to look at him.

"You said you said goodbye to everyone?" He asked.

"Yes." I replied fearing the next question.

"Even Derek?" He asked, I sighed.

"I don't think he'll miss me." I stated.

"You're leaving Miss Griffin, for who knows how long, I don't want you to have any regrets."

I nodded before exiting the clinic. Sadly he was right, I couldn't leave with any regrets, or I'd just come back again.

I pulled up to the loft, and parked my beautiful baby.

I slowly opened the door, and placed my key on the table. I noticed Derek, was sleeping, in his bed, as heartbreaking as it was that he was next to Jennifer I let it slide, I needed to say goodbye, not to be angry.

Slowly I approached Derek and kneeled beside him. I stared at my best friend for a moment, and sighed quietly.

"Goodbye Derry, Der-Bear, Big Bad Alpha, Derek, My Best-Friend, I love you." I cried silently before softly kissing his forehead. "Sweet Dreams."

I got up and headed for the door before walking back to the table and leaving a note. Cautiously I headed back to the loft door.

"Danny?" A voice mumbled behind me, I turned to see Derek tossing and turning. "Danny don't leave, please don't leave."

"I have to." I whispered before closing the door behind me and heading to my car.

I drove to a used car dealership and sold my car, then called a taxi service and heading to the airport.

I paid the taxi driver the money and headed toward the front desk.

"Good Evening." The Woman greeted me.

"Hello, What one way international tickets are available right now?" I asked.

"Well, there's one for France, and for Spain, your choice ma'am."

"How much for each ticket?"

"Well it's about $1,000 for France, and Spain is $500." She explained.

"France it is." I said handing her 400 in cash and 600 on my credit card.

"All set, your flight is boarding in 10 minutes, please head to Gate B west, and go to flight 153." I nodded at her and carried my luggage to Gate B west, then waited for Flight 153 to be called.

"Flight 153, Beacon County, California to Le Havre, France, now boarding." The Intercom said above us. I grabbed my stuff and handed the Flight Attendant my ticket.

"Welcome Aboard." She greeted me, I smiled at her.

"Thanks." I replied and headed towards my seat on the plane, which I immediately recognized as First Class, well thank you Front Desk Lady. I put my stuff in the bunk above and went to the window, since it was my seat according to the ticket. I had already turned my electronics off or placed them on airplane mode.

I zoned out on the Flight Attendants talking safety, I've traveled before I know what to do.

"What are you doing in my seat?" An annoying voice said from the aisle, I looked at her confused, Just by the looks of her she looked like a rich spoiled brat, But I'm not one to judge.

"It is my seat actually, it says so on my ticket, now if you will please excuse me, I would like to enjoy my flight." I said in a British Accent.

"No, My Daddy said that this was my seat!" She shouted showing me her ticket, I laughed. "What?"

"Your seat my dear is Seat A3 not seat C1." I explained she looked at her ticket and asked.

"Where's seat A3 then?" She asked.

"Up front to the left aisle seat." I said, and she blushed embarrassed at her outburst before leaving to find her seat.

"Not even in another country and I already have problems to deal with." I sighed.

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