Chapter 6

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I left the house with tear stained cheeks, messy hair, gray sweatpants, one of Derek's white tees, that was tear-stained, and my beige Sperry's. Peter called saying the bodies were missing, Ennis and Derek were missing. That meant that The Alpha Pack took them, or, they had escaped.

I was kinda hoping on the second one.

Stiles called this morning to remind me that the guys had to go to their cross country meet. I called Lydia and Allison but they said they were heading to watch the meet.


I decided to take a walk. When I made it to the reservoir the Hale house was there to comfort me. Painfully, I walked inside and lay down on the floor in Derek's old room, I sniff the chair and his shirt and smell his wonderful scent. And just when I have some time to myself, Peter calls.

"What?" I ask him annoyed at how he interrupted my tranquility.

"Hello sweetheart, I've got some good news."

"You found Derek?" I asked jumping off of my seat.

" Ennis is dead, what I forgot to tell you is that someone had gotten up and walked out of the building." You could feel the smirk of victory in his tone.

"Which one?" I asked.

"It's most likely Derek since The Alpha's have Ennis." He assured me.

"So...He's alive?" I smiled to myself.

"Alive, but barely, We have to find him, before it's too late." He declared.

"Got it, I'll call you if I find him." I said before fixing my hair into a messy bun and heading back to the loft to get change.


When I reached the loft I ran up the stairs and ripped open the door.

Only to scream.

"My Virgin Eyes!" I yelled as Derek and Jennifer were making out Naked, thankfully covered by blankets.

"Danny!" Derek went wide-eyed before getting up wrapping the towel around him.

"Dude, I'm glad to see you're alive, just not to see you naked." I stated, he laughed nervously.

"I think you should go." Jennifer glared at me.

"I should go?" I pointed at myself laughing."I'm done. I'm so done with your crap. Maybe you should, I live here, I eat here, I cook here, I read here, sleep here, I do my laundry at the laundromat, but still. I live here, not you, Blake." I growled at her, her eyes went wide before she gathered her stuff and ran out. I slammed the loft door shut and locked it.

"Danny I know you're mad but that was way out of line." Derek stated from behind.

"That was out of line? Derry, she tried to kick me out of my own house! From the moment I first met her I knew she hated me, God! Can't you see that? She expected me, your mourning best friend to get out! When I've been crying over you, you've been sleeping with someone who can't stand me!" I yelled in frustration.

"You can't manage my personal life, Dans." He growled.

"I'm not, 'Mr. Big Bad Alpha!' I'm just upset that you went to her for help when you could've went to me, or Cora, or Peter! You know family! Best Friends! Just not women you just met! Especially ones that smell like death, God that's disgusting don't you smell it?" I asked covering my nose, as the scent was still there.

"What? You smell death off of Jennifer?" He asked raising an eyebrow in amusement.

"I smell death, and power, It's like it's stronger every time I see her." I said.

"Maybe it's her perfume."

"Or maybe it's not, maybe something happened that makes her smell like that, to me anyways." I sighed, embracing him in a big hug. "I thought you were dead, Derek."

"I know, and I'm sorry. It's been a long day Danny, just go to bed, tell Peter and Cora I'm okay, and go to bed." He ordered, I sighed before nodding and jogging upstairs, notifying Peter. 

"Don't call Jennifer to finish what you started just because I'm going to bed!" I yelled to him I heard him laugh before, replying.

"Night Griffin."

"Night Hale." I whispered before making my way to my room. I need to find out what she's up to, and who she really is.

Before it's too late. 


I walked downstairs to see Derek on the phone, laughing, smiling. I thought I was the only one that changed Grumpy Cat's mood.

"Who ya talking to?" I asked walking down the stairs, his smile faded.

"Oh hey, Danny." He greeted, before going back to his phone call. Peter was at the kitchen counter sitting in the stool.

"Good Morning Beautiful." He greeted.

"Yea, yea, sure." I sighed grabbing a glass of milk.

"What? Upset that Derek rejected you for his new girlfriend, you know she's replacing you, You're no longer his Sunshine on a rainy day." He smirked, trying to play his mind games.

"Oh shut it." Cora growled at him. "You have nothing to worry about."

"Don't worry Cora, he's not getting to me." I assured her and we smiled annoyingly at Peter, and he did the 'Famous Hale Eyeroll'.

As much as I hate to say it, I eavesdropped.

"You want to come over?" Derek asked Jennifer into the phone.

"Sure! Just make sure Danny's not there, She did growl at me, it was weird yesterday."

"Don't worry I'll make sure she's not here." He agreed blindly.

"Good." God, she even sounded like Death.

My eyes brimmed with tears, he'd really just get rid of me to spend time with her.

"You okay?" Cora asked placing a comforting hand on my shoulder.

"She was eavesdropping." Peter sighed getting up and embracing me into a hug. I sobbed loudly into his shoulder.

Derek just threw me away without another thought.

"I got to go, I think something's wrong." He said before hanging up. He walked into the kitchen to see the scene of Cora rubbing my back and me sobbing into Peter's shoulder.

"What happened? Dans what's wrong? Do you want me to drive you home?" He asked concern evident into his voice.

I got up and slapped him in the face.

"You'd like that wouldn't you?" I hissed at him, his eyes grew red that I had slapped him. "You'd love it if I left. That would satisfy Jennifer wouldn't it? Huh? Wouldn't it."

His eyes softened when he realized what he's done.

"Danny I-"

"Forget it, just forget it, I'll leave, okay?" I wiped the tears away. "Just for you, I'll leave and I'll never comeback."

I ran to my room and grabbed all my stuff before heading downstairs.

"Danny wait." He called after me. I turned around and awaited his answer.

"Well? What?" I asked after 6 minutes of waiting.

"That's, Th-that's um, my jacket." He pointed out.

I ripped it off and whipped it at him.

"Here, give it to Jennifer!" I hissed at him before stomping out the door.

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