Chapter 10

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"Hey, hey, Danny are you okay?" Peter asked as I stumbled into his house, feeling dizzy and nauseous.

I shook my head "no".

"What's wrong?" He asked concerned, steadying me.

I grabbed him by his shirt and growled at him.

"Someone stole something from me!"


"A memory." I whispered.

"Of what?" He asked.

"Of my true feelings towards him." I admitted. He lead me towards his couch and sat me down.

"Who?" He asked.

"Derek." I whispered.

"You liked Derek?" He asked.

"You knew, so did Lora, and Cora." I said catching my breath. "You probably still do."

He sighed and looked down.

"It was your father, he told us he was going to do so, which is why we told you to go tell him." He confessed.

"My own father? Why?" He asked.

"He believed Derek to be immature, to be careless, reckless, that's why you only remember liking me, he made the feelings you had towards me stronger than the ones towards him. He wanted you to be with someone mature, someone who wasn't reckless, or careless." He explained.

"Yet you killed, recklessly and carelessly." I hissed standing up. "You are what he didn't want, but Derek's become what he does want."

I grabbed my stuff and left his apartment, I sure as hell wasn't going back.


'Hey txt me' -Peter

'D's Freakin' out.' -Peter

'Txt me back.' -Peter

*1 Missed Call- Peter Hale*

'Call me.' -Peter

'Danny? R u ok?' -Peter

*2 Missed Calls- Peter Hale*

*1 New VoiceMail-Peter Hale*

'Dans, wassup? Peter says somethin' is up, what is it?' -Derry

'Nothing, he just said something that bothered me.' -Danny

'Just txt him plz, he keeps on bothering me.' - Scott

"I can't!" I yelled to myself. my alarm went off.

(Reminder: Work in 10 minutes)

Quickly, I got changed and ran to work.

"Morning Sheriff." I greeted the empty office.

"Detective Griffin." I imagined him waving, he was chatting with some deputy's in his office. Too busy to look up to meet my eyes but nice enough to acknowledge my presence.

'We have to find him.' I whispered.

I was away from Derek's, for a while gaining only an update saying that Derek was now a beta again.

"Detective!" His voice boomed.

"Agent McCall." I sighed, recognizing his voice immediately.

"Let's get to work shall we, your in charge since the big mans gone." McCall confirmed, I nodded.

"Okay guys listen up, This guys got one of our guys and a civilian, now let's get him back safely before any serious harm can come to either one of them." I paused making eye contact with everyone. "Sheriff Stilinski and Nurse Melissa McCall are our calling cards, there could possibly be a third, considering this guys pattern. Let's arrest him and bring 'em to justice, got it?"

"Got it Detective!" everyone replied.

"Let's head out, K-9 units as well, check the woods first, this guys got a thing with trees." I hinted. "Check the house again Wills and Polanski, some stay here just incase Sheriff finds his way back, I want you guys to have at least one ambulance full of paramedics with each team, okay?" I ordered, everyone nodded.


My phone buzzed, it was nine at night.

'Something's happened, Derek is heading to help Blake, what do we do? -Cora'.

My heart began to beat anxiously.

'But it's the Eclipse, I lose my powers soon.'

I called Deaton.

"Doc, how're the kids?" I asked.

"They woke up awhile ago, Allison, Isaac, and Stiles I believe are heading to find the Sheriff, Mrs. McCall, and Chris, why?"

"Because Derek is with her, and I want to help, but I believe they headed after Deucalion and Scott, I'll lose my powers until the eclipse passes over."

"I didn't tell you?" He asked.

"What?" I asked stepping away from the teams, searching the school for clues and prints.

"The Lunar eclipse, doesn't effect you."

"I got to go, thanks."

"Anytime." He replied before we mutually hung up.

"Who was that?" McCall asked.

"An anonymous tip off, Someone spotted a figure dragging someone they physically described as Chris Argent through the woods." I directed my voice to the deputies "Fall in guys, let's head to The Beacon Hills Reserve!"


'4 minutes until Eclipse!!!' My cell reminded me.

"I have to go, family emergency, head to the Northeast McCall's group, the others, head to the south west. Head out." I ordered before heading North west to the abandoned warehouse.

When I arrived, Jennifer hadn't noticed me yet, but Derek was unconscious by the corner, and Scott was unconscious and Deucalion was lying on the floor blind trying to fight her off, as a human.

"No Were-being on earth can stop me not during this Eclipse, which is how I'm going to kill you, and Scott." Jennifer growled.

"What about me?" I asked, turning to her, already shifted.

"What the hell are you doing here? You're supposed to be fussing over your little memories!" She hissed.

"It was you, you made me remember." I hissed.

"Because I needed you gone from his life!" She screamed.

"Well, now I would love it if you'd return the favor." I evilly grinned at her.

"Busy." She laughed menacingly as she began to slice at Deucalion's face.

"Wait, He never saw what he did to you, after all this time, he doesn't know the pain that you went through, because of him." Derek reasoned.

"Your right, he doesn't." She said, before placing her hands over his eyes. You could hear her healing him. Deucalion squirmed away from the sight her face, as she fell back form exhaustion.

"What's happening?" She asked.

"You healed him, which took some out of you." Derek explained, she backed away from all of us, I attempted to run to her, but she threw up some mountain ash placing a shield around her.

Scott approached, trying to push through.

"Remember last time Scott? You weren't so successful." Jennifer laughed at his attempt.

"Will you be laughing when I put five claws through your neck?" I asked, curious.

"You won't kill me Danny, haven't you heard of Pure Beta's guilt?" She snickered.

"What?" Derek asked.

"I don't know." I whispered to Derek.

"Danny watch out!" Scott yelled, I turned and Jennifer threw a dagger at my chest, causing me to fly back and hit one of the crates head first, knocking me unconscious.

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