Chapter 11

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The Comments up above are my faves!! Love Ya:

Shoutout To:










You guys are amazing for commenting and with really dedicated and straight from you little fangirl hearts!! Thanks for all the support in a story I never really had a lot of Faith in the beginning, but Thanks To Tyler Hoechlin for you boost in the publicity along with his Teen Wolf alias, Derek Hale, you are an amazing Actor, and I think My readers and I can both agree that, WE LOVE YOU!!! So enjoy the second to last chapter my Shoutouts, and anonymous shy readers, I also want to give another shoutout to @darequeen2504 who had been commenting and voting since the beginning!! I love you, and everyone should follow her!! because she seems like a cool gal who has something in common with all of us!! SHE LOVES TEEN WOLF!!!

Okay, here's Chapter 11!!!


"Danny?" A voice echoed through my aching head.

"Shut the hell up." I hissed.

"That's a heck of a greeting." Stiles said sarcastically.

"My head hurts smart ass." I hissed and sat up.

"Dans you okay?" Derek asked. Memories flooded back from the events before I passed out.

"Where is she? Where's Jennifer?" I asked paranoid.

"Dead, Deucalion killed her." Derek assured me.


"Jennifer killed her."

"Oh my god." I rose from Derek's bed. "No, she couldn't be, your lying."

"No, actually we're not, Deucalion took her body a little while ago to go give her a proper burial at the cemetery."

"Take me there." I demanded.

"Danny I don't believe your in any condit-" Stiles began.

"Now." I interrupted.

"Why? So you didn't get to kill Kali, so what?" Isaac asked.

"I wasn't going to kill her." I admitted.

"What do you mean?" Derek asked, "Danny what's going on?"

"Just take me there." I begged. "You'll see then, but let me change first."

"Why?" Cora asked.

"It's a funeral, and I'm not wearing black." I explained before disappearing upstairs.


"Danielle." Deucalion greeted with his back to the pack. "You're here."

"I had to come." I replied.

"Danny, I still don't know why we're here." Derek said. I walked up to Deucalion, and he nodded at my attendance.

"I never told you." I looked down shamefully, approaching Kali's grave.

"Told us what?" Scott asked.

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