Chapter 12

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"I can't believe you won't take me with you." I groaned at my Hale boyfriend.

"You have a job." He chuckled, I love my boyfriends chuckle, wait did he even say he was my boyfriend? I mean we admitted our feelings for each other.

"Screw it." I groaned.

"Danny, your staying I trust you to watch after them, and Scott, he needs you." He sighed placing a reassuring hand on my shoulder. He didn't say 'girlfriend' or 'my beautiful girlfriend' or 'mine', he just said Danny, a name he has been calling me since I was little.

"I know, but-" I began.

"Danny, No buts!" He interrupted.

'If Isaac says butt...gross... again, my Gouda frakin' cheese to what I will do.' I thought.

"Fine, but hey, Kiss me before you go, or I'll have summertime sadness." I pouted.

"It's not the summertime." He chuckled.

"You get what I meant." I laughed, he pulled me in and kissed me slowly.

"Hey Lovebirds, hate to break this up but, I have to go." Cora intervened.

"Bye Cora." I laughed.

"Bye Danny." She said and pulled me into a hug, It was so surprising I didn't know what to do. I mean a Hale just voluntarily hugged me, and it's not a near-death situation, but I hugged her back and smiled.

"I'll miss my favorite Hale." I sighed.

"Hey!" Peter and Derek said in unison, both equally offended.


"What about me?" They said together again.

"Oh Der-bear, don't get a big head just because I said that I love you, I mean it, but you can be a douche at times, when Cora is just so entertaining." I giggled.

"And me?"

"Let's see, psychotic bestie, well, your the bottom of my list."

"I wouldn't diagnose myself as psychotic."

"How about...mentally deranged, especially as manifested in a wild or aggressive way, mad, insane, out of one's mind, deranged, demented, not in one's right mind, crazed, lunatic, non compos mentis, unhinged, mad as a hatter, mad as a March hare; informalmental, nutty, nutty as a fruitcake, off one's rocker, not right in the head, round/around the bend, raving mad, batty, bonkers, cuckoo, loopy, ditzy, loony, bananas, loco, with a screw loose, touched, gaga, not all there, out to lunch, crackers, nutso, out of one's tree, wacko, and gonzo?" I asked.

"Okay the last one was just a muppet." He protested.

"It's also a synonym of crazy, so stop getting your undies in a knot Petra." I sassed, Derek smiled and raised an eyebrow in amusement, while Cora was crying from laughing so hard.

"Petra?" He asked with his pissed off face on.

"Yes Petra."

"All right Daniel." He/she smirked.

I shot my claws into his thigh.

"Asshat." I growled before heading upstairs and picking out a good book to read, before counting down the seconds until Petra realizes what I said. 

"That's not even a word Danny!"

"Look it up!" I yelled back to him. "I bet a hundred that it's at least one dictionary."

"I'll take that bet!" He yelled up to me.

"Good!" I shouted back. "Now pay up!"

"You're funny Danny." Peter laughed before walking in with Derek and Cora, who now had amused smirks on their features.

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