Take 3

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"I can't live this life anymore Pablo. I want to be free from this." I pointed to the people on the inside.

"I don't even know who I am anymore, that's how far it's gone. Mum has been shoving this down my throat and it's just getting too much for me. She wants me to live this perfect little life by lying. The worst part is I am not only lying to the public out there, but I am also lying to myself that I don't even know who I am anymore. I have lost myself along the road and it's only getting worse every day." I walked over to the balcony resting my hands on the rails again.

The wind was getting rather chilly and I just wrapped my arms around me because I didn't want to go inside. I don't want to see those people pretending that I am happy and one of the coolest most famous people on earth.

"Sutton don't you think it's going to get better..." He walked over to me touching my shoulder, but I just moved away letting his hand fall to his side.

"It's better this way Pablo don't tell anyone about this and please don't tell my mother because she will try and stop me." I walked over to him and hugged him tightly.

"I love you Pablo always remember that please." I could feel a tear rolling onto my cheek and I wiped it away not wanting to look pathetic.

"I love you too Sutton Monroe." We locked pinkies because I wanted him to promise that he wouldn't give my secret away.

Mum came out, grabbing me by my arm, she smelled like expensive alcohol and cheap perfume making the scent unbearable in my nose. She let go of my arm when we stepped through the doors.

I looked back one more time and he only nodded his head towards me wanting me to enjoy the last few hours of my life as a famous person before I break free of my pathetic life.

"Lucky, there are a few people here I want you to meet. They will help you make it bigger in Hollywood my dear, sweet Lucky." Mom was only nice to me when she had alcohol in and when we were in front of people that she wanted to impress.

I stood in front of Will Smith and his wife only exchanging awkward stares and smiles because we both knew that we have met and worked together before.

"We have met before mum. We worked together before it was nice seeing both of you again." I took mums hand and pulled her to a quiet corner because I needed to talk to her.

My headache was getting worse and the smell of champagne and cheese wasn't making it any better. Mum couldn't even balance herself on her own two feet because she held onto the bar counter for balance.

These heels were killing my feet, I had a headache bigger than Mount Everest, the people in here were suffocating me with their fakeness, and this piece of expensive material was so tight it felt like my insides were going to fall out, I just have to get out of here.

Also, knowing that mum wouldn't be home until later could help me set my plan in motion.

"Mum, I am going home I don't feel well. Enjoy the party and make up some excuse why I left. You are really good at those."

"You can't leave yet Lucky there are still a few people I want you to meet."

"Sutton," I whispered underneath my breath making sure she didn't hear me.

"Lucky stay for only a few more hours, then we can leave together and I can show everyone what a great mother I am."

"You will never be one mum. I am leaving with or without your permission I feel sick, I will see you at home mum." She grabbed me by my arm, but I just pulled my arm from her not wanting to make too much of a scene in front of all these people.

As I stepped through the door, I looked back one last time at my mum.

"I love you, mum," I whispered under my breath and got into the front seat with Robert.

*So I haven't written in a while because I feel a little stuck. I hope you enjoy the story so far.

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Stay sweet xoxo.

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