Take 9

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It has been six days already, six days where there has been no search party, six days where I found a real friend and still six days where I have not found out who Raymond S is.

Most of my morning would consist of eating breakfast, flipping through TV channels and then taking a nap. Some days I would go down to the lobby, but mostly Rachel will just join me in my room and we would watch movies. She has been a great help to keep me from being bored.

Luckily the window washer hasn't been here so I could dance around in my room without someone being a peeping tom. I got dressed and went downstairs. I saw bellboy down the hall helping some old lady with her bags.

I walked into the lobby and saw Rachel helping a few people, she was smiling at them, but they only pretended like she didn't exist, and their children were running around in the lobby and their mother kept shouting at them to be quiet.

They walked past me and I only turned to the side to let them pass by me. I walked over to Rachel and saw the tears in her eyes.

"Some people have it so easy in life and some so hard." She sat down in her chair and placed her hands in her hair.

"What do you mean by that Rachel?"

"Well, look at that family, they have everything they have ever wanted but still they are sad. The dad hates the mom, the mom hates her kids and the kids are naughty because they want attention from their parents. The dad is too busy with his job to notice his family and the mom just wants to run away because she doesn't feel loved. The kids want a happy family where they feel loved and needed. Here we are all happy like nothing could hurt us and yet there are people out there that are sad." The tears fell onto her cheek and my heart went out to her.

"I didn't know you felt that way Rachel, just remember we can't help everyone that's feeling sad except for ourselves. The world out there is wearing masks to hide their sadness or the hurt they have in their hearts. We just need to embrace them with love and not push them away." She wiped the tears away and a small smile formed on her face.

"That's true thank you for your kind words Sutton, want to play a game?" Her eyes were shining again and her smile was back.

"Sure, what do you have in mind?"

"See those men over there we are going to pretend to be them." She pointed to the businessmen that were standing in the corner with their briefcases and their expensive suits. "We start by saying just weird stuff and pretend like we are having a conversation about something funny. You ready?" I only shook my head and Rachel just started laughing, holding onto her stomach.

"So do you know of any good strip clubs in the neighborhood? I would like to arrange a birthday party there for my wife."

"You probably mean old age homes where the ladies take off their clothes and the old men....this game is getting weird very fast now don't you think Rachel?"

She just started laughing nodding her head in agreement with me. I started laughing with her and fell off my chair, which made her laugh even harder. I held onto my butt and laughed just as hard, the harder I laugh the more my butt started hurting.

Rachel helped me up from the floor the more she helped me up, the more she laughed. We both finally calmed down and kept looking at the people. That's when I saw him and his family.

The little girl pointed at me and held onto her dad's leg trying to get his attention. That's when the most unexpected thing happened. Everything was happening in slow motion.

"That.....is....Lucky....Daddy." He turned towards me and before he could get a glimpse of me, I started running towards the elevator as fast as I could.

I got into the elevator and that's when my world was turned upside down by one person.

*Sorry for the long wait, I finished the Epilogue today for this book that means only the in-between needs to be written. I want to finish this book before this year ends and that means I only have about two months left.

Thank you for being patience with me, last week was a tough week for me, but life goes on and we need to deal with these things. I don't want to bore you with my life so I hope you enjoyed this chapter and always remember that no matter how hard life may be today that the sun is going to be a little brighter tomorrow.

Remember to vote and comment and if you feel like you want to leave some words of encouragement for someone out there you can post them in this chapter.

Stay sweet xoxo.

When life knocks you down, get right back up and knock down the thing that is trying to get you down.

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