Take 15

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I kept looking at myself in the mirror touching my hair. It was shorter and darker and it looked great I didn't even recognize myself for a moment. I had no words and I was left speechless.

I wanted to cry at first when he started cutting my hair, but I just closed my eyes and hoped for the best. The results were good at the end and I couldn't stop looking at myself in the mirror.

I liked this new me that I was becoming and I knew that whatever I do, I can't thank Raymond enough for helping me. I turned around and gave him a big hug it felt like his happiness was flowing into my body and I couldn't help but smile at that moment.

If I had to describe how I was feeling I would run out of words because words wouldn't be enough to express my happiness.

"Now I can go into the world and no one would even recognize me. You are the best thank you so much. I don't know how I will ever repay you." I turned back to look at myself in the mirror.

Would I get used to this new look? It's amazing how you can transform into someone else just by doing something different to yourself.

"You look really pretty." Raymond touched my back and I couldn't help but turn around again.

"I know I have said thank you before, but I am really thankful towards you. I am sorry I told you we had to stay away from each other, come to think of it you're actually like my hero. Whenever something happened, you were there to help me. So would you please be one of my friends?" I could feel my cheeks burning up and my stomach turning.

"Well, it's a part of who I am, I am always there for the people that I care for. Like I said I know what it feels like to be something you're not the fact that you decided to leave makes you my hero. I kind of thought we were friends already even though you shouted at me or told me to leave you alone, to tell you the truth that didn't scare me off at all. We remained friends because I kind of knew a day like this was going to come along where you needed my help."

"And I am grateful for that. So just between you and me..."

"Yeah." He started sweeping up the hair that was on the ground.

"How did you do it?" I was still shocked was he a jack of all traits because by the looks of it he could do anything.

He was a bellboy and an undercover hairdresser. He sucked at the one but rocked at the other.

"How did I do what?" Was he really this slow?

"This amazing creation that is called my hair." I pointed towards my hair and he just shook his head laughing. He sat down on my bed and showed me to join him.

I sat down, crossing my legs looking at him, I needed to hear this story because there was a part of Raymond that I wanted to know about. I just kept on touching my hair the whole time.

"So Sutton don't we all hide something away from the world that we don't want them to know. Let's take you, you hide the fact that you were sad and unhappy always wearing a smile to not disappoint the people out there. You were pretending to be someone else when secretly inside your heart you wanted to be someone else. Am I correct?" He tilted his head to the left and he placed his hand on my leg.

"That is correct, but what does that have to do with you cutting hair?" He placed his finger over my mouth showing me to keep quiet.

"This is my secret that I hide away from the world. My dad wants me to be a hotel manager, but secretly deep inside of me, I just want to work with hair and make people pretty. My dad says I am gay and that doing hair is only for girls. That's why I am stuck in a job that I hate for the same reason, just to satisfy my father."

Here I thought he was one of the luckiest people in the world for having a regular job, but still, he hated what he was doing. He was wearing a mask that was hiding his sadness. Some people had it just as hard, but no matter what they do, they can't showcase who they really are.

He picked up the scissors and walked to the door waving goodbye to me, my heart was breaking for him. I ran to the door calling his name, he turned around and still had a smile on his face.

"Raymond your secret is safe with me."

To be continued...

*When I started writing this chapter I didn't know where I was heading, but I just kept on writing and I think it turned out great. If you see any spelling mistakes, please let me know.

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Stay sweet xoxo.

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