Take 12

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Two weeks have already gone by and still, there were no search parties, mom finally gave up on trying to find me which I was glad about. I haven't seen Raymond around, but still, I was fed every day, maybe he wasn't that angry with me.

Rachel and I have been really close lately she recently broke up with her boyfriend of six years because she said she didn't feel the spark anymore.

She wants someone that is adventurous, that traveled the world and shows her things that she can never imagine seeing which means she is actually into someone with money.

I know I have seen most parts of the world and that still didn't make me happy. There are people out there that wants to experience the world and build an adventure when I had it, I didn't want it because it didn't matter to me.

I just wanted to sit around and watch TV shows all day or sit in an office having a normal job where my boss is a real witch or jackass just for existing.

I wanted to go out without having a camera pointed at my face and people that yelled at me. Whenever I wanted to do something bad or wanted to go out with Pablo there would be a story in the papers the next day. Pablo and I were usually dating even though we both knew that we were only friends.

I heard a faint knock on the door and I knew it was Rachel. She wanted to take me out today to get some coffee, she felt like me staying in my room the whole day is not right. I told her that I wasn't really up for it, but she didn't take no for an answer.

I let her inside and sat down on the bed to put on my trainers. I wasn't one for fancy clothes or shoes, even though I had the money for it. Rachel just kept looking at me, she was wearing a sundress and flip flops that matched the color of her flowers on her dress.

I looked like a pumpkin with my jeans and a grey T-shirt and she looked like a queen. I didn't want attention to be drawn to me.

"Ready to go?" I only shook my head, but fear inside of me was tearing at my gut and it felt like I was being eaten from the inside.

I was afraid of someone recognizing me calling the police and my mom would find me and skin me alive even though that was just something I was imagining.

We got to a café and that's when I heard a loud voice coming from a microphone.

"Please people, I need to find my little girl she is my only daughter and without her, I feel so lost and alone." There she was, my mom oh no what do I do now. What if she sees me?

I wanted to walk closer, but my feet didn't move at all my heart was pounding hard against my chest and it felt like any moment it was going to jump out and run away.

Rachel touched my shoulder and I jumped around holding my arms in a defensive way to protect me. She only shook her head and handed me a coffee.

"Jumpy much Sutton?" I took a sip of the coffee savoring the chocolate taste in my mouth.

I kept looking at the people more and more were joining the group. It made me nervous to know so many people were looking for me. If it were someone else would they also make this much effort?

"I actually feel for that poor girl's mother." Rachel's voice snapped me out of my thoughts and I only looked at her strangely as she kept drinking her coffee like nothing was wrong in her life.

"Yeah, me too, but maybe she had a reason for running away."

"If I was Lucky I wouldn't want to give up my life like she did. Living the life of the rich and famous can actually be great. I wish I could take her place."

Rachel thinks being Lucky is easy then she should give it a try. Having people follow you every day and that doesn't respect your privacy just sucks.

Some people think life is so easy, but clearly, they have never had something happen to them to show them the other side of the world.

*I am so sorry if this chapter is super boring, but the next one is going to have more action in it. If you see any spelling mistakes, please let me know because I am only writing at the moment and not editing. I will do that at the end of the book once I am done. So I am bringing one of the characters back.

Can you guess who it is?

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Stay sweet xoxo

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