Take 7

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I woke up to the sound of nothing, no fighting, no shouting and no one trying to force me to do anything. The sun was shining or let me rather say, smiling down at the people below it. This day looked so much better than yesterday.

I was happy and smiling for once, I stretched and stood up from the bed. I started dancing around my room, I started spinning around and fell down on the bed laughing out of the bottom of my stomach. It felt great to laugh again and I didn't even feel guilty at all.

I sat up straight when I looked into the eyes of the window washer. He was laughing at me and I couldn't help it, but I turned a bright red. I closed the curtains and sat against the wall. I couldn't help but smile again at how happy I actually was.

A knock came from the door, I pushed myself off the floor and walked to the door. When I opened it there was no one, I could only see the person's shadow turning the corner and then the hallway was empty. I picked up the tray of food that was placed at the door and walked back into my room. I closed the door with my foot, making sure that it was shut once again so that no one could come in.

I placed the tray down on the bed and grabbed the newspaper from it. I opened it up and saw the letter that was inside. I unfolded it, the handwriting was neat and I felt the need to read it.

Your secret is safe with me, you don't have to worry about anything and I won't tell anybody. I will make sure that you are fed and well looked after. Don't hesitate to ask for anything.

Kind regards,

Raymond S xxx

I placed the paper down on the bed and it felt like someone really cared about me. I wish that I could only meet this guy and thank him for caring about me even though he doesn't know me.

I looked at the paper and my face on it. I was reported as missing and that kind of brought my mood down because I was thinking about my mom and how she must feel about me being gone.

Lucky has been missing for 3 whole days and it's unlike her to be gone for this long. A search party will be held to find her. If you want to be part of it, please contact the police or Margo Monroe. The date and time will be giving through in next paper for the search party.

Please bring my baby girl home safely- Margo Monroe

I threw the paper in the air, making the pages spread across the floor the page with my photo laying near my feet. She didn't care when I was at home, but now she is doing this for me. She is two-faced and only cares about herself, she only wants people to feel sorry for her. She is living with a mask of fakeness and sadness.

I just needed to find something to keep my mind busy to not think about the people out there searching for me and I am going to get bored with myself.

I looked around at the room trying to figure out what I was good at besides making movies but nothing came to mind. Wearing a disguise the whole time would make it obvious all I need to do is blend in and pretend that I am just a normal person living my life from day to day.

I grabbed a shirt and a pair of jeans from my bag and got into a nice relaxing shower. I started singing in the shower, but quickly kept quiet when I heard my own voice. Singing is off the list of the things I can do because I suck at it.

I love writing, but that falls back to making movies, I love dancing but doing that here would not work because I would draw attention to myself.

What the hell am I good at? I don't even know myself like that because I always used to live in someone else's shadow and had to do what I was told. I just need to find myself before I can decide what I am good at.

New mission find the real Sutton Monroe.

*So I haven't updated in a while, I am working on this book again just so you know. I got so many ideas that I just have to pen them down now.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter, remember to vote and comment.

Stay sweet xoxo

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