Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

(Y/N)'s POV

We flew towards the smoke that ascended into the sky. The trees soon went from lush, to dead. Black was placed everywhere instead of the beautiful colors that I supposed were there before. We soon came to a big structure of ice that I presume was made by a dragon. What ice-spitting dragons are there? Maybe Fishlegs would know. I thought to myself. I quickly flew into the scenery and looked around the sculpture of ice. "Whoa, stay close." He said to me. I quickly nodded as we rounded the bend and went around the ice. I looked into the ice quickly to see chunks of wood ruined by the ice. "What happened here?" Hiccup asked looking around at the mess of wood that I suppose was a ship, possibly. Toothless makes a noise a then went a little out of control. "Alright. Easy, bud." Hiccup says trying to calm his dragon down. "Hiccup!" I manage to yell, seeing someone down in the rubbish.

"FIRE!" someone says firing a net at us. "(Y/N)! Look out!" Hiccup yells at me but it was too late. A net was thrown at Toothless but instead caught me and (D/N) instead. "No! HICCUP!" I yell as the net sent me and my Mood Fury down to the mess of wood. (D/N)'s scales turned from periwinkle to brown as we plummeted to the ground. I closed my eyes waiting for the impact as it soon came. The hard ground invited us with a warm welcoming, knocking the breath out of me. Hiccup rounded the corner as the savages tied me up against the pole of their broken down boat. They tie down (D/N) as I scream, "let her go you- "as I'm cut off with a cloth put over my mouth. I kick one of the men as one of them comes over and looks at me, seemingly checking me out. I start moving the cloth down my face to where it's off my face. I stare at him with disgust in my eyes. "Well, this one's feisty isn't she. She's a beauty though." He said caressing my cheek. I pull away from his hand and spat in his face. He glared at me as a screech was heard across the sky. "Is that what I think it is?" the man said. He turned to me and started caressing my cheek again.

"STOP! Get away from her!" Hiccup yelled at the man. He quickly put the cloth over my mouth. I again started getting the cloth away from my mouth. I reached for my dagger and started cutting the rope they tied my hands together with. "Whoa, watch out!" one of the men said watching Hiccup pull out Inferno, turning the dagger to a blade, and lighting it on fire. "Whoa!" some of the men say in awe of the sword. "Back again? Soil my britches... that is a Night Fury. Thought they were all gone. Looks like our luck's had turn for the better, lads! Don't think Drago has one of those in his dragon army." The man said. "Dragon army?" I questioned. He turned around looking at me as Hiccup spoke up saying, "Look we don't want any trouble." The man cut in saying," HA! You should have thought if that before you stole all our dragons and blasted our fort to bits!" Another man spoke up saying," Yeah! Look at it!"
"Wait..." Hiccup said.
"What are you talking about?" I asked.
"You think we did this?" Hiccup said trying to put the pieces together.
"Ha. Dragon trapping is hard enough as it is, without your do-gooder Dragon Riders sneaking in to rescue them." The man said pacing around the 'fort'.
"What do-gooder—there are other dragon riders?" hiccup asked.
"You mean other than your thieving friends from last night? You tell me. You may have an ice spitting dragon on your side, but we still have a quota to fill. How do you suppose we explain this mess to Drago Bludvist?" He said spiting every word out.
"Drago what-fist? Does anything you say make sense?" hiccup asked with a hint of humor hidden deep in his voice. A man walked around to the other side of the 'fort' while saying," He's expecting a new shipment of dragons for his army by tomorrow." Another man spoke up saying," And Drago don't take well to excuses." "This is what he gave me last time I showed up empty handed." The man said lowering his shirt to show a scar on his shoulder.

I soon cut myself free running over to Hiccup. "Hey!" the one man says reaching out for me. "Look," Hiccup starts. "We don't know anything about a dragon thief, or an ice-spitting dragon..." Eret nods his head as Hiccup continues, "Or your lunatic boss and his dragon army, okay? Just give us back our dragon and we'll go, strange, hostile person, whom we've never met." Hiccup finishes. "Oh, where are my manners? Ha. I'm Eret. Son of Eret. Finest dragon trapper alive. After all, it's not just anyone who can capture a night fury." The man, Eret, says introducing himself. "And this is Toothless. He says were going. Now."

Eret laughs saying," Heh. They all say that. Rush 'em lads!" Eret says as more dragon trappers come out from behind us, attacking Hiccup and I. Toothless fires at a large icicle sending it falling down on the dragon trappers and keeps them back. They shout and jump away. One says," Oh, watch out." Hiccup pulls out Inferno and cuts the net off of (D/N). "(D/N)! C'mon, go! GO! GO!" I yell as we quickly mount our dragons in motion and take off. "YOU WILL NEVER HOLD ONTO THOES DRAGONS, YOU HEAR ME? DRAGO IS COMING FOR THEM ALL!" Eret yells at us as we fly away heading back to Berk.

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