Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

        I'm Hiccup's girlfriend! I'm actually his girlfriend! He's mine and I'm his! This is so exciting! As we walk back into the room, hand in hand, Hiccup decides to tell his father that we were dating and I told Valka. "Hi, Val."
"Hi, what can I do for you, hun."
"Oh I just wanted to tell you that Hiccup and I are dating..."
"Yeah? is that ok?"
"Ok? OK! Its more than Ok it... Oh I'm just so happy for you two."
"Oh thank you!" I say and hug her. "oh and dear."
"Call me mum now ok?"
​I nod my head as Stoick calls me over. "Hi!"
"Thank you for actually making my son happy."
"Your welcome?"

        "and no funny business." my face blushed a deep red, as did Hiccups. "Well if any 'funny business' happened it would be Hiccup's fault." I say my blush dying down and Hiccup's face getting more red if it even could. Stoick burst in to laughter saying, "This one's a keeper, son." between fits of laughter. I laughed pecking Hiccup's cheek and made his face go even more red, wait, scratch that, him hide his face in embarrassment. Stoick walked over to Val, I mean Mum, and went to talk to her as I turned to Hiccup. "You know it would be your fault-"
"Shut up..."
"I got pregnant."

        "OH MY THOR (Y/N) YOU HAVE A DIRTY MIND! "he said jumping back.
"So do you..." I pouted, Hiccup rolled his eyes and pulled me into a kiss. I traced circles in his back with my finger as he held my waist. We broke apart panting a bit as I heard whistling. Me and Hiccup quietly scurried, sitting next to Gobber as Stoick picked up the goblet sort of thing from Mum's hands as he whistled the familiar tune my good foster parents sang to me at night.

        "I'll swim and sail on savage seas with ne'er a fear of drowning and gladly ride the waves of life if you will marry me. No scorching sun nor freezing cold will-" Stoick sang until he was cut off by Gobber. "Will stop me on my journey, sorry" Gobber stopped as Hiccup elbowed him and we all gave him a hard glare. Stoick turned back to Mum and sang, "If you will promise me your heart and love-" Stoick sang leaving Mum to pick up singing, but when she didn't he sighed.
        "and love me for eternity." Mum sang as Stoick's eyes brightened up. "My dearest one my darling your mighty words astound me," she sang walking over to the middle of the floor. She held up her hand to seemingly dance as she sang, "but I've no need for mighty deeds when I feel your arms around me." as they switched back and forth between ways. " but I would bring you rings of gold," Stoick sang as the two river danced, he got down on one knee as Mum took his hand and went around him as he sang, "I'd even sing you poetry and I would keep you from all harm if you would stay beside me." As the rocked back and forth Mum picked up singing.
        Hiccup held out his hand offering me a dance. I thought of the consequences and thought why not and took his hand to dance. We copied Hiccup's parent's movements as he held me, my arms crossed around my chest. "I have no use for rings of gold I care not for your poetry, I only want your hand to hold,". Mum sang as we swayed back in forth until he unraveled me and spun us around. "I only went you near me." Stoick sang "To love to kiss to sweetly hold for the dancing and the dreaming," they sang together as we kept spinning around. "through all life's sorrows and delights I'll keep your love inside me. I'll swim and sail on savage seas with ne'er a fear of drowning and gladly ride the waves of life if you will marry me!" they finished as Hiccup lifted me up into the air and spun me around, holding me by my waist. "Meeeeeeeeeeeee I'm sill goinggggggg, I'm done." Gobber ended singing as Hiccup elbowed him.         The couple laughed as Stoick spoke up and we sat down. "I thought I'd have to die before we could have down that dance again." Stoick said laughing. "no need for drastic measures." Mum said laughing. "For you, my dear, anything. Will you come home Val? Will you be my wife once again? We can be a family! What do you say?" Stoick said on one knee to his wife. "Yes." Mum said smiling like her dream came true. We all came I for a family hug as I sat down on the log. "Great! I'll do the cooking." Gobber said smiling. Everyone laughed as Hiccup looked out at me. Mum and Hiccup held out their arms for me to join in. "But I'm not part of your family. This is your reunion..." I trailed off looking to the floor.        
        "You are part of our family no matter what (Y/N)..." Hiccup said sending me a sweet smile. I got off the log and snuggled into Hiccup's arm. "Thank you." I whispered to Hiccup. "For what?" He responded kissing my head. "This is the best 'family' I've ever had. It might be broken and small but it's the best I've ever had in my life." I said snuggling into his chest. As everyone pulled apart. He lifted up my chin and kissed my lips a short and sweet passionate kiss.         "Thank you everyone." I said holding onto Hiccup's arm, as he wrapped his arm around my waist. "For letting me have the best family anyone could ever have." "Thank you, (Y/N) for being the best daughter-in-law a father could ever have." Stoick said giving me and Hiccup a big hug. Our faces we dusted with a light pink, but we didn't care.         All of a sudden Toothless and (D/N) start growling. "Toothless? What's happening?" Hiccup said worried about his fellow friend. "(D/N)?" I said looking at her. Booms are heard as Mum rushes outside to her small balcony. She looks startled as we look over the side to see Drago and his men attacking the nest. I gasp at the sudden war and turn around looking frightened at Hiccup. "Oh, no." Hiccup says looking between me and Mum. Mum looks around startled wondering what she should do. "Val. Val. It's alright, alright. We're a team now, now what do you want us to do?" Stoick asked trying to calm Mum. "We have to save the dragons." Mum replied running off. "Aye. You got it. Come on, son, daughter." Stoick returned, running off. My smile brightened as we ran off to fight. I mounted (D/N) and took off ready to give it all I've got.

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