Chapter 21

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Chapter 21
Hiccup's POV

        Boom. That's all I can here. Boom and battle cries. ​ I fly through bombing the traps letting free the encaged dragons. I see Zippleback gas surround one of the traps as it explodes. I'm assuming that's the twins. I see the gang come together, Meatlug transferring Astrid to Stormfly and a new comer I suppose. I keep opening traps and fight the war. I watch as an icicle falls toward Stormfly and Astrid so I destroy it with a plasma blast. "Yeah baby!" I yell and fly off towards them. "Welcome aboard, Dragon Rider." I complement the new comer. "Thanks! I think!" he says. "Where have you been?" Astrid asks me. "Oh, you know. Catching up with Mom." I say in perfect timing as my mother summons the Alpha. "That's your mother?!" Astrid asks astounded. "Well, now you know where I get my dramatic flair!" I say as I flick down my helmet and ride off. I fly over to (Y/N), my girlfriend, and decide to talk and get a plan. "Hey, baby." I tell her seeing if she reacted to my new nickname for her. "Hey, babe." She said looking at me. "So, what's the plan?" I ask her, looking into her sparkling (E/c) eyes. "Oh, we were supposed to have a plan? " She asked. "No." I responded. "OK, I guess just try to take out Drago. If we take out the top guy or whatever you want to call him, I bet the others will retreat because they don't have orders. At least that's what I read..." She said looking down to the ground. "Smart and beautiful. I like it." I say trying to ease up the mood. We fly away together and fire at some traps. As I turn around she isn't there. "(y/N)?" I ask. "I'm here." she says and uncloaks herself. "Huh nice know that (D/N) can turn invisible." I said. She shrugged as we flew off apart from each other.
        I fly towards Fishlegs as Drago summons another Bewilderbeast. "Another one?" I question. Watching the black Bewilderbeast rise from the sea. "That is a class ten! Class ten!" Fishlegs exclaims to me. I watch as my mom and Drago fight. He gets ready to finish her off as Stoick comes in and hits him. Why didn't you just kill him with you axe, dad? I wondered. I flew over to (Y/N) again as she told me what she read in books, as the Bewilderbeasts and Drago and my dad fight. "It's like yin & yang, Hiccup. The white is light, the black is dark. Light and dark, sun moon, good and bad, their opposites and they must both live for there to be balance, or at least the light. If light dies, there will be chaos." She explained. We turn around as we here a call of victory. Chaos won, the dark, the moon, bad won. I saw she felt fatigue within her so I escorted her to the ground. I watch as the Bewilderbeast shot ice at Mom and Cloudjumper.  I watch as Mom falls and Stoick catches her.
        I finally had enough so I flew down with Toothless to Drago, dismounted and tried to talk to him. "STOP! Stop!" I yelled running in front of Drago. "This is the great Dragon Master? The son of Stoick the Vast? What shame he must feel."
"All this loss, and for what? To become unstoppable? To rule the world? Dragons, they are kind, amazing creatures that can bring people together."
"Or tear them apart." Drago replies taking off his prosthetic arm. "You see, I know what it is to live in fear, to see my village burnt, my family taken. But even as a boy, left with nothing, I vowed to rise above the fear of dragons, and liberate the people of this world."
"Then why the dragon army?"
"Well, you need dragons to conquer other dragons."
"Or maybe you need dragons to conquer people, to control those who follow you and to get rid of those who won't."
"Clever boy."
"The world wants peace, and we have the answer back on Berk. Just let me show you-"
"No! Let ME show YOU!" Drago screams. (Y/N) stands off to the side. Drago summons the alpha to do something, I couldn't tell though. "No dragon can resist the Alpha's command. So, he who controls the Alpha controls them all." Drago tells me by taunting me.
        "Toothless? Toothless, you ok, bud? What's going on?" "Witness true strength: the strength of will over others. In the face of it, you are nothing!" He yells. "Ah, what did he just tell you? Toothless, come on. What's the matter with you? No, no, no come on, what are you doing? Knock it off! Snap out of it!" I yelled at my companion. "Toothless, no! Toothless! Don't!" I backed up the ice as I close my eyes. "STOP!" I yell.
        I open my eyes a bit to see Dad running over. I feared the worst may happen. "DAD! NO!" I yelled. I was pushed out of the way as Toothless let the plasma blast go. I closed my eyes and hoped Dad, mom, or (Y/N) weren't the ones who pushed me out of the way. I turned around only to see worse then I thought. Under the ice was my dad and (y/n), unmoving.

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