Chapter 13

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Chapter 13
(Y/n)'s POV
    I gasp as Hiccup still tries to process what he had just heard. He gasps trying to comprehend what he had heard his mother say. "Come..." She says as she starts running through corridors of the icy maze. "Hold on! Wait just a minute!" Hiccup yells and his mother as she keeps running through the icy maze. "This way." Was the response he got from his mother and it looked like he really didn't like that idea. "Come back here!" He yelled trying to get his mother to stop. "Come." Was all she said. She really wanted us to see something. I thought to myself. Hiccup seemed really frustrated and ended up yelling, "You can't just say something like that and run off! My MOTHER?! I mean what the- do- do you grasp how insane that sounds?!" But the woman seemed not to mind as she kept leading us through the labyrinth of ice. "Come! Quickly!" She responded. Hiccup and I quickly exchanged glances as we kept running and climbing after her.  "I have questions! Where have you been all this time?! What've you been doing?! They said you were dead! Everyone thinks you were eaten by..."
Hiccup stopped mid-sentence as we entered an opening into a magnificent and beautiful... Sanctuary I guess you could say. A dragon sanctuary. "Wow..." I whisper not meaning for anyone to hear it as I gasp in amazement. "This is where you've been for twenty years?" Hiccup asks as he gets a response in only a head nod. "You've been rescuing them." He says as she nods again smiling. "Unbelievable." He says watching the dragons swirl around the big pedestal in the middle of the sanctuary. "You're not upset?" She asked watching the brunette boy look around. "What? No. I don't know. It's a bit much to get my head around, to be frank. It's not every day you find out your mother is some kind of crazy, feral, vigilante dragon lady." Hiccup says stealing a glance at Toothless. "Oh, ha-ha-ha. At least I'm not boring... Right?" She said as Cloudjumper lowered her to the ground. "Well I suppose there is that... One... Specific... Thing." Hiccup says looking at her. "Do you... Do you like it?"
"I-I don't have the words."
"Can-Can I?"
Hiccup nods as he watches the two study each other. "Oh, he's beautiful! Oh, ha. Oh, incredible! I've never seen a Night Fury this close! And he might very well be the last of his kind. And look, he's your age! No wonder you get along so well. And retractable teeth! Incredible! Ah! How did you manage to-" Valka kept going until Hiccup cut her off. "I found him in the woods. He was shot down and wounded." He said. As Valka was walking over to her dragons, I elbowed Hiccup in the side. "OW! What'd you do that for?!" He asked quietly. "Don't interrupt your mother next time, Dragon boy." I said and winked at him as Valka started talking again. I caught Hiccup slightly smiling that devious smile of his and wondered what he was going to do next. This Snagglefang lost his leg to one of Drago Bludvist's iron traps. This Razorwing had her wing sliced by razor netting. And this poor Hobblegrunt was blinded by a tree snare... They left him to die alone and scared. And what of this? Did Drago or his trappers do this, too?" She asked lifting Toothless' prosthetic tail. Hiccup awkwardly laughed and told the story. "Heh. Well, crazy thing is... I'm actually the one who shot him down. Hey, it's ok though, he got me back. Right, bud? You couldn't save all of me, could you? You just had to make it even. So.... Peg leg!" Hiccup held his leg up so his mother could see his missing foot. "So... Who is this young lady?" She said looking at Hiccup. "She's my, uh, best friend... D-do you remember her?" He said stuttering a bit. I watched her eyes slightly water up as she came forward to me and put her hands on my cheeks cupping them. "(Y-Y/N)?" She asked. I nodded my head and we hugged each other. "I remember when you were only a babe. Oh you've grown up to be such a beautiful young lady!" She said as we ended the little embrace. "Thank you..." I said as I felt my cheeks heat up a bit. "So what dragon do you have?" Valka asked making some small talk.
"A mood fury!"
"Wow.. I've never seen one before! At least not so close."
"(D/N)!" I yelled as my Mood Fury ran into the room alert. (D/N) came to me as I rubbed the top of her head. "Valka, (D/N). (D/N), Valka!" I say gesturing to each of them. "May I?" She asks as I nod my head. She goes up to my dragon and studies her. "Wow. She's unbelievable! Let's see she is your age. And! She is the last of her kind I believe." Valka says as she plays with the dragon. "Well it makes sense that the only way to have a Mood Fury is a Night Fury and a Mood Dragon breed." I say recalling what I had read. "It's in the books I read..." I say again looking down at my feet slightly embarrassed of what I just said. "Well, so how long have you both known each other." Valka says heading towards a cliff. "Um.." I start as Hiccup finished what I would say, "6-7 years or 11 years but she was gone 5 of those years." I look over at Hiccup and give him a slight smile. "Oh!" She says quirking an eyebrow at us both as our cheeks flush red of what she says as she laughed and the dragons behind us snicker. "Oh, shut up (D/N)..." I say. Valka starts talking once more. We sat down for a minuet to rest.
"What did your father think of your Night Fury friend."
"Ah, he didn't take it all that well. But then... he changed. They all did. Pretty soon everyone back home had dragons of their own."
"If only it were possible."
"No, really, I--"
"Believe me, I tried, as well. But people are not capable of change, Hiccup. Some of us... were just born different."
I listened as Valka explained the night she was taken away.
"Berk was a land of kill or be killed, but I believed peace was possible.  It was a very unpopular opinion. Then, one night, a dragon broke into our house, finding you in the cradle. I rushed to protect you, but what I saw... was proof of everything I believed. This wasn't a vicious beast, but an intelligent, gentle creature, whose soul reflected my own. You and your father nearly died that night, all because I couldn't kill a dragon."
"Yeah, it runs in the family." Hiccup states. "It broke my heart to stay away, but I believed you'd be safer if I did." She says gently standing up. Hiccup helps me stand up as we follow Valka to the edge of the cliff. "How did you survive?" Hiccup asked. "Oh, Cloudjumper never meant to harm me. He must've thought I belonged here. In the home of the great Bewilderbeast! The Alpha species. One of the very few that still exist. Every nest has its queen but this is the king of all dragons." She says as we look over at the magnificent, beastly dragon. "With his icy breath, this graceful giant built our nest. A safe haven for dragons everywhere." "Wait, that's the ice-spitter? He's responsible for all that destruction?" Hiccup concludes. "He protects us. We all live under his care and his command. All but the babies, of course... who listen to no one!" She says as we watch the babies jump around on the white dragon's head. The white dragon, once the babies were off, slowly walked towards us. "I've lived among them for twenty years, Hiccup, learning their ways, discovering their secrets." Valka says as the Bewilderbeast blows snow onto me and Hiccup, freezing our hair and eyebrows. I quickly sweep the snow off my hair as Hiccup does the same as I study him. "Ha-ha-, he likes you." She says as Hiccup picks me up around my waist. I start screaming in excitement as he throws me over his shoulder and continues talking. "Hiccup! Dude, come on." I say pounding on his armor. "Fine... Only because your gonna wear out my armor." He says. "Oh, shut up, Dragon boy." I say sticking my tongue out at him. He also sticks his tongue out at me as we continue talking to Valka. "You both must be hungry." She says. My stomach slightly growls as Hiccup chuckles and speaks up for me. "Uh, yeah. We could eat. "Good. It's feeding time." Valka says as we mount our dragons and take off after Valka.

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