Chapter 24

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Chapter 24
(Y/N)'s POV

Sunlight filled my eyes, pouring into the room. I slowly and groggily opened my eyes and looked around. I looked at my arm to see it badly burned and in a sling.  I slowly pulled the sheet off of my body and stand up. "Hey (D/N)!" I quietly whisper and start walking until I fall on my butt. I stand up with the help of my bed and walk, holding onto the bed frame. I hear an abnormally loud clank, like the one that Hiccup has when he walks. I thought the worst and looked down at my foot. Or my meatal foot I should say. I slowly stood up and held onto my dragon. Right. Left CLANK! Right. Left. CLANK! I kept repeating the steps as I heard booms and cries of battle outside the house. I mounted (D/N) and took off to the sounds of war. When I walked outside everything was quiet. I looked at the block of ice everyone was pounding at as I noticed it was Hiccup. I quickly got off (D/N) and collapsed to the ground. I cried into my hands. No, it couldn't be over this quick. Hiccup couldn't be dead.

.:Hiccup's POV:.

A Few Hours Earlier

  We walk to the Ice Sanctuary and find the baby dragons playing about unknowing what happened a few minutes ago. "Hey little guys. Do you mind if we ride you?" I ask holding my hand out to the little dragon. As if they knew us from birth, they trusted us he came to my hand. The rest of the dragons claimed one of our riders and we mounted them. I had a purple one, my mom had a green one, Gobber had a blue one, Tuff had an orange one, Astrid had a green one, Fishlegs has a blue one, Eret had a green one, Ruff has an orange one, and Snotlout has a blue one. I quickly run to mom's little room and pick up (Y/N) bridal style and carry her back to mom. (Y/N) is set with mom as we take off to Berk.
"Fly straight!" Ruffnut yells. "I don't want to die!" Fishlegs yells. "We can't fly these things!" Tuffnut yells, and sounds actually concerned about his well-being. "Yeah, no kidding." Fishlegs remarks. I watch as Fishlegs flies into a pile of snow sending several chunks in Eret's face as he is yelling at the top of his lungs. "But won't the Bewilderbeast just take control of these guys, too?" I hear Astrid ask. "There babies. They don't listen to anyone." I say slightly laughing. "Yeah... just like us." Tuffnut says referring to him and his twin.  "This... is... very dangerous!" Gobber yells struggling for control. I roll my eyes as Gobber flies up to the side of my dragon. "Some might suggest this is poorly convinced."
"Well, it's a good thing I don't listen." I respond. I see a big cliff coming up as I quickly maneuver around it. "So what IS your plan?" Gobber asks me. "Get Toothless back and kick Drago's- "But before I could finish, a wall of ice split us apart so I decided to not finish and not waist my breath. "Heads up!" Gobber warns. We split as the wall comes between us. "And that thing." Astrid says plainly as Gobber smashes into the ice. We get out of the ice sanctuary and keep flying towards Berk. I'm coming Berk, I tell myself.

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