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Chapter One

"Hey Jenn," My friend Laura said, walking up to me. Her short hair slowly blowing back in the wind, signaling the beginning of fall. I loved fall. "Can I borrow your notes from Mr. Volt's class?"

"Laura," I started, opening my book bag. She only came to me for notes, not to hang out. "Why is it that you only come to me for notes?"

I threw it into her hands, and the fierce wind blew, sending the notes tumbling down the pathway, getting stuck in a tree.

I threw it into her hands, and the fierce wind blew, sending the notes tumbling down the pathway, getting stuck in a tree

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"Great, well there's your notes..." I said pointing towards the big oak tree.

"Oh, I suddenly don't need them.." She joked and walked away.

Which meant that I had to get the notes. I walked down the gravel pathway, throwing my scarf around my neck. Until I reached the oak tree. I looked up and saw that the papers weren't so high after all.

I reached and reached, I was at least one inch away.

"Need help?" A familiar voice asked. His voice was always sharp and husky, and it somehow always managed to send chills down my spine.

I didn't speak a word, only because it was Collin. Coincidentally, the one who I've despised for forever and who is oddly the one offering me help.

Collin reached up in the big tree anyways and grabbed the notes with ease. After a short stare down, he handed them over easily.

"Good thing I was around to get that for you. Lord knows you wouldn't be able to reach them yourself." He joked, shortly before walking away towards the building.

There they were, the shorty jokes. Those have been going on since 9 grade. I honestly thought that he was over them. I walked over to a nearby bench to put my notes back in my binder. They fit snuggly although the it took me a minute to complete the task.

Only because I couldn't get the last moment or two out of my head.


I made it to my locker safely, meaning I was able to avoid Collin for some time. Good thing I was only looking for minutes away from him and not everybody because suddenly I wasn't the only one at my locker.

I felt another presence behind me and when I turned around I saw Peter. Who may I add just stood there warmly with a smile. "What?" I ask, wondering what exactly the source of his happiness was.

"Where's a fine lady like you headed on a Friday such as this?" He tried, actually, I'm not sure what exactly he was trying to do.

"I'm going to homeroom." I chirp, and put my coat in my locker. Peter looked at a lost for words, mainly because his 'pick up line' didn't go as planned. So I just turned around after shutting the door.

Enemies With Benefits (Book One)Where stories live. Discover now