twenty four

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Chapter Twenty Four


Collin and I got out of his four-door one after the other, and if I wasn't mistaken, it looked as if he was about to wrap his arm around me. I quickly stepped a foot away, which caused him to shoot me a look.

"Remember what I told you, put it to practice." I tell, and walk ahead of him so that it doesn't appear as if we arrived together.

Before tonight, Collin and I were always seen together, whether it be in the hallways between classes, or on the weekends. This is going to be a change for us, or well him, seeing as how I was already emotionally distanced from the boy. I knew that this adjustment wasn't going to be hard on my end, more like his.

As I stepped foot into the school, I was instantly greeted by Calvin. He appeared to be working the ticket station, which sort of seemed right up his alley. The blonde loved volunteering his services, so I wasn't surprised. "Hey Jennifer!" He yelled, causing a few people around us to turn and look.

I shielded my face secretly, not wanting that much attention on myself. "Thank you for yelling, my ears appreciate it." I joke, causing him to smile from ear to ear. "Are you going to be able to catch the show at all, you know, since you're out here?"

"Yeah, we stop selling tickets ten minutes after the show starts." Calvin then leaned in closer to me so that only I could hear him. "Keep it between you and me but the first act usually isn't that good."

I just chuckled at his comment and grabbed the pamphlet of all of the names of the performers. I only knew a few from the list, the first one not being one of them. "I'll give them a chance." I decided, and then proceeded to pull out my money for the ticket.

"Hey, ixnay on the ashcay," Calvin directed in Pig Latin, telling me to put my money away. "this one's on emay."

"Okay-yay..?" I tried, the word falling off of my tongue weird due to my uncertainty. The boy handed me a ticket, and winked, just as I started to walk away.

Every time I speak to him, I always feel like I've either been mind-fucked, or my psyche has been jumbled from the inside out. Nevertheless, I enjoy our conversations, so I'm not necessarily complaining.

As I entered the auditorium, I try to rack my brain for where Stacey and the others could potentially be sitting. But then I saw her head of beach blonde hair from afar, and instantly knew where she was. I walked over and joined her, noting how she was only sitting with Michael and Brooklyn.

"Hey guys, where are the others?" I question, remembering how Stacey drove here with a butt-load of other people.

"Wanna tell them Stace?" Michael teased, and crossed his arms while looking at her playfully.

Stacey rolled her eyes and turned to me. "They ditched us to go smoke." After she said that, Michael asked her what it was that he told her would happen. "You told me they would ditch us to go smoke." The girl replied monotonously.

I looked past them and laughed along with Brooklyn, who seemed to already know what had happened to Stacey's friends. I chose not to comment on the situation, because there's a reason why I referred to them as Stacey's friends and not our friends. She knew that I had an off putting feeling towards them, and now I see that Michael also has a bullshit detector built into his personality.

All of a sudden, my mind was taken over with thoughts about Peter, more specifically last year on this exact day. Him and I were happily together at that point, and attended the show with various of his out of town friends. You have to believe that I truly loved that boy at a certain point in time. That particular time being one of them, so it made sense for why my entire mood changed when I thought of it.

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