Chapter 17 ( Where's Hiccup?! )

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Heathers POV

the wind blew at my face as i was flying over the ocean to the dragons nest. I don't know whats wrong with hiccup the king hasn't told me yet. 

over the years that I have known hiccup he has managed to teach me the basics of dragonese which I don't even know how he managed o teach someone as annoying as me but oh well.

I have known hiccup since we were just 3 years old and he was basically the closest thing i have to family, when i found out dagur was my brother i ran away from home and stayed on an island for 2 weeks by myself, until i started to get sick, then one day when i was trying to get something to eat when I ran into hiccup and he told me all about the dragons, he took me back to the nest and nurtured me until i was back to health and then he started to train with me and taught me dragonese. 

he was like a little brother to me well i guess you can tell by the nickname i call him.

i refer to hiccup as my "lil' bro " 

oh please be okay hiccup 

finally we reached the nest and I went and took hiccup straight to the alpha and laid him down on a small patch of grass near the king.

"my king, what is wrong with hiccup nothing this extravagant has happened before it was always just have a bit of anger problems but today it looked like he was so bad that someone pushed him way to far over the edge"i say 

"heather the reason he is like this is not because someone has made him angry it's because he's changing, as you may not know hiccup has not gotten his full powers yet, but the other day something must have happened to trigger the change, and by the looks of it his body isn't ready for it."said the alpha 

"oh gods" I gasp

"heather did you tell Berk, because it would be better for them to know because they may think that hiccup is dangerous and try to you know kill him"asked the alpha

"yes I did they all seemed pretty flabber gasted, sir what should we do about hiccup I mean we cant just leave him like this, what would you like me to do?" I say 

"heather get the healers we will just have to wait untilt he change is complete"he replied 

" yes king, but just curious what change are we expecting, I mean what else is there that could happen?" I ask 

"heather, listen to me because his dragon side is getting stronger it means that it will finally come out, so basically he will be able to shift between his human and dragon side, but the only thing is we don't know what dragon he is thats all, so just be prepared, and heather make sure you stay with him at all times incase something happens." the alpha stated

"yes sir" and with that i run off and grab the healers, and get ready for a long couple of days

-------------------------the day of when he changes-----------------------

I wake to a gurgling sound, coming from hiccup.

poor thing he is really suffering and there's not much we can do but wait at his side.

he has been like this for 3 days now and we have all been tending to his every need, he hasn't opened his eyes yet though.

"arrrrrhhhhhhh" I turn my head to see hiccup in pain, i quickly wake the healers.

"shhhhhhh, hiccup its okay" is soothed

"heather its time" says the king.

" heather throw him in the water"he demands 

we see a red light glowing in the water and out jumps a black nightfury, with emerald green eyes and silver lightning bolts under his wings.

he looked a lot like toothless, apart from the lightning bolts under his wings.

"ha I knew it!!!!!" shouted the alpha 

"you knew what" i asked

" I thought he would be a night fury"he said 

"hang on, come again, that night fury is hiccup!!!!!" I scream.

"yes it is heather thats hiccup"he said calmly 

" wow....." was all i could say he was amazing.

Hiccups pov

I slowly open my eyes to find that i am on land in the dragons nest, I then looked down to find that was standing on all four legs and i was black.

what the...

then I run down to the edge of the water and look at myself in the water, then I see a black nightfury. 

"Aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh" i scream but it only comes out as a roar 

" hello my young prince, how are you feeling?" i hear the soft calm voice of my father say.

"dad, what happened to me?"I say 

" well hiccup, a lot has happened but the reason you are a nightfury is because, for the last three days you have been going through your last change being the dragon prince, and well as you can see that is being able to shift between your dragon side and your human side, your dragon side hiccup was a night fury." he explains

" so I can change back right?" i ask worried

"but of course, just focus on your human side and you will change back"

I slowly focus on my human side and finally when i open my eyes I am back to normal.

"coooool!!!!!!!!"I squel 

 " I know right" i jump at the sound of the voice behind me 

"toothless!!!!!!oh bud I missed you so much"

"hiccup you can fly with me now" we jump around excitedly.


hey guys new chapter yaaaaaaay!!!!!!!

hope you enjoy 

so basically next chapter i am just going to skip forward a few weeks to where hiccup is fully trained, and everything.

but i am still deciding if i want him to come back to berk in the next chapter or the one after.

but i also have something else to say too

drum roll please ...........................

i am thinking of putting valka in the story too !!!!!!!!!!

so comment if you guys want her in the story.

anyways time for me to start writing the next chapter.



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