Twenty Three | Don't Stop Believin'

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Twenty three

It had been about two weeks since I started fake dating Brandon, and I was extremely frustrated. Besides that first day, Tyler hadn't even looked at me. He all but refused to be around me anymore, even though he was still living in my house.

He started walking in the door around six every night, mumbling something about hanging with his friends whenever I tried to ask. I couldn't help worrying that he was spending too much time time drinking while out because the stench of alcohol was noticeable whenever he walked somewhat close to me. Then, after speed eating his dinner, he'd spend the rest of the night in his guest bedroom.

Luckily, I hadn't seen him with any girls lately, but I had a feeling it would hurt really bad when I finally did.

It was now a Monday, after school, and I was home alone. Mom had to work late, and my dad was still at work too, as usual.

I was slowly working through my AP chemistry homework, and it was killing me. Stoichiometry was torture I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy.

I dropped my pencil and was just putting my head down on the table when there was a sharp knock on the front door.

I sat up and frowned. It always annoyed me when people knocked instead of using the doorbell, especially because it was in plain sight.

I slowly got off the kitchen barstool and ushered my way to the door. I opened up the door to see a frail woman, only a bit taller than me. She was very fragile looking, and so skinny it was probably borderline anorexic.

Her long dark hair that might've once been beautiful hung in ratted knots, and her Chocolate eyes were sunken in. She had her bony hands balled into fists at her sides, and she wore an old tank-top that was way too big on her.

I gave her a small, confused smile. "Um, hi...can I help you?"

"Well, hello," the woman rasped in a heavy smokers voice. "You must be Lauren", she continued, and started drumming her long fingernails on the side of my house.

My stomach dropped at the fact that this strange woman knew my name. "Yeah, I am. Who are you?"

"Well I'm Diana Morris, honey, Tyler's mother." My eyes widened, and I looked her over again, her eyes were definitely the same shade of brown as Tyler's, and they had the same nose. "You're a pretty little thing," she mused, studying me even harder than I had just done to her.

"Wow, thank you." I spoke slowly. "Okay, hi, do you want to come in?" I asked.

She smiled and I almost grimaced: most of her teeth were missing, and what little she had left were long and yellow. I suddenly remembered Tyler saying she was addicted to drugs, so I guessed the teeth were a result of that.

I led her to the living room and she sat on the couch, kicking off her ratty tennis shoes. I sat on the edge away from her and eyed her warily.

"So, my son has been living here?" she asked.

I nodded.

"You know I never even knew? He just left. He left his own mother. And I need his help paying the goddamn bills."

Anger boiled within me as I recalled the anguish on Tyler's face when he told me how his mother would blow all their money on drugs. I bit my lip to keep from saying a bitchy response that would probably set her off.

The anger that was on Diana's face suddenly turned to misery, and her eyes welled up with tears. "My baby boy abandoned me."

I looked anywhere but at her because I wasn't sure how to handle this woman. I suddenly heard loud footsteps march into the living room.

"What the hell are you doing here, Diana?" Tyler asked in an icy tone, his eyes burning with rage. As furious as he appeared, I was immensely relieved by his presence.

"Tyler, I'm here to get you. You're coming home with your momma, baby!" she said in a desperate voice.

"No," he answered venomously, his voice bordering on disgust. "Not until you get clean. You need to leave."

"It's her fault, isn't it? She's the reason you're rejecting me!" she suddenly yelled and reached toward me to wrap her bony hand tightly around my wrist.

I gasped in pain. For such a frail woman, her grip was strong, and her fingernails were stabbing into my wrist, sure to leave a mark.

"Let go of her." Said Tyler, his voice calm yet deadly.

She let go of me and faced Tyler, now choosing to completely ignore me. "Please, baby. I'll do anything! No more, okay? I'll...I'll go to rehab, okay?" she pleaded, her eyes watering again.

That made his anger dissipate momentarily, hope and pain flashing in his eyes briefly before they glazed over once more with contempt.

"No. You always say that. Try talking to me when you're fucking sober," he hissed.

Tears slid down her cheeks as she rose to her feet shakily. He sighed and walked over to place his hand on her back, ushering her to the front door.

A few minutes later, he came back inside alone.
He stood there for a few moments, looking at me in silence, before he finally spoke. "I'm sorry."

I shrugged, though my wrist hurt like hell.

Seeming to notice my discomfort, he walked over to me and gently grabbed my right arm.
He slowly ran his thumb over the four small nail marks, that were indented into my wrist.

"Are you okay? I'm sorry about my mother, she's a crazy bitch."

I looked up into his eyes. "She's still your mom, Tyler, no matter how screwed up she is."

He halfway smiled. "I know. I just wish she were a little easier, and maybe saner."

"Me too." I smiled back, letting him know I wasn't judging him for anything that happened just then. "And Tyler?" I added.

He raised an eyebrow, prompting me to speak. "I don't know why it's so awkward between us, but it doesn't have to be. We can just forget everything that's happened and be...friends."

"Lauren," He started, his voice low and clouded with something I couldn't quite make out. He turned his back to me briefly, dragging both hands through his hair. "Fuck." There was a determined look in his eyes when he faced me again. "I don't want to be just friends...I think I'm in love with you."


Hi everyone! this chapters short, but met Diana.

And how bout that last part, huh? ;)

And I'm starting another story soon so go read the description on it and tell me what you think!

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