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I went home quickly to change into my athletic clothes, and there, I decided on walking back to practice.

I proceeded down the sidewalk, heading toward the school. After about five blocks from my house, I noticed a shiny black Porsche pull into a driveway in front of me.

This house was the talk of the past years, everyone wanted to know who's it was, including me. Although, no one had seen his face. Ever.

My house wasn't nearly as magnificent or grand as this one. Mine was one story, this was two floors. Not to mention the towering yet flawless gate that hugged the mansion.

I had a rush of excitement run up my spine as I stood frozen on the pavement, desperately waiting for the driver to hop it out.

A guy in his early 20's got out the car, and glanced at me. He was remarkably handsome. He had a light complexion and gorgeous, dark eyes. His jawline was carved out symmetrical to his features, and his shiny hair perfectly shaped like the ones in pictures. He looked like a God amongst other boys.

And his tattoos. They covered every inch of his skin, apart from his impeccably, carved face. Every detail on his skin almost seemed significant and endless. It was hard to not stare, especially with all that muscle beneath the blanket of ink.

Swallowing hard, "Is this your house?" I asked anxious.

He smirked, "Of course," he spun his keys around his finger as he took steps towards me. Every step he took, closing the space between us, I felt a bolt of awestruck plummet into my body.

His eyes lingered onto my body, and he looked at me head to toe. He stopped in his tracks in front of me and he looked at me in the eyes, "Name?"

I scoffed at him, "I don't give my name to strangers."

He chuckled, "Let's fix that then, I'm Eric. You must be?"

I pursed my lips together, folding my arms in defeat, although I hadn't really put up a real fight. Possibly because quite frankly I didn't want to, "Danica."

"Cute," he winked at me. I felt the fireworks spring in my stomach. Or was that nausea? I couldn't tell. All I knew was that apparently I had been an awful flirt.

I cleared my throat and blinked away my hypnotic state of mind. "Cool, bye."

I turned on my heel and sped walked away. I heard him speak loudly, "See you around, Danica."

A hopeless smile grew on my face. The way he had said my name, with that deep, velvety voice of his.

It laced my name well, I thought to myself.


I was having a bad week. I had so many things going on at school, not to mention volleyball. My head was going to spin out of control.

I also couldn't stop thinking about Eric. Was it bad that I was? He was just so much better than any other guy I've ever seen. He puts high school guys to shame.

His eyes were vivid in my head. It's been days ever since I've seen him and I've been going to practice on foot, hoping I'd run into him.

Wow. That sounded a lot more desperate than I thought.

"Danica?" A highly irritated voice interrupted my daydreaming. That's when I realized, I was in class, and that was my teacher.

"Yes?" I focused on the board, trying to keep up.

"What's the answer for number five?" He almost gritted through his teeth.

Analyzing the long equation, I calculated it quickly in my head and in nearly ten seconds I had my answer. "Positive fifteen, squared, over 7." My voice sounded uneasy, unsure if I was correct or not.

Shock came across his face as his eyebrows flared up. Then he cleared his throat, "Very well, but as a piece of advice— distractions keep those from reach of their full potential." After that pointless discussion with my teacher, he continued his lesson without anymore interruptions.

The last bell rang soon after half an hour or so after that brief interaction.

I dashed out of school and drove home.

At home, I changed into my athletic clothes and scurried down the street, heading to my school.

Before I took the turn to get to school, there he was. In all his handsome glory.

I nearly fainted when his eyes met mine. He smiled catching a gaze at me, "Why, hello there, Danica. Leaving to practice I see?"

I shot him a smirk, "How'd you know that? Are you stalking me?"

His brows furrowed, then he let out a hard laugh, "You're wearing your athletic attire, and you have a sports bag on your shoulder."

I grew red, how stupid could I be to think that?

"Oh," I said, smiling sheepishly.

"I just got back from business in New York. Would you do me the favor and join me for dinner after practice?" He smirked at me.

I stammered on my words for a second, "I don't think that's a great idea— I don't know you too well."

"I don't bite, Danica." He smiled, "Besides, I make an awesome chef."

I still wasn't completely sure, so he pressed on when he noticed my resistance.

"If you ever feel uncomfortable inside, you could always get up and leave." He shrugged.

I folded my arms, still unsure of what to decide. I shouldn't have even hesitated, my mom taught me better. But those eyes. . . And that smile was so alluring.

"I'll think about it," I finally said, hesitation drowning my voice.

"What could I do to make you feel welcome?" He suggested.

"A thousand dollars," I joked.

"Done," he shot back, as if the number didn't scare him.

"What? No, I was kidding." I sighed, "I'll think about it, okay?"

He smiled, "So, it's settled."

"Don't get your hopes up if I don't show up." I pursed my lips.

"You will," he winked, "I could see the excitement in your eyes."

Wow, was I such an open book? I need to be more composed.

"Er, Ditch your boyfriend, will you?" He shrugged.

I giggled, "I don't have one."

He cracked a smile and nodded, "Even better,"

I shouldn't have said I'd come. I couldn't have. My mom expects me to be home at a certain time.

Well, we all have to live a little on the risky side. Besides, I was dying to see what was inside that house.

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