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We took a flight home the same day of the entire, chaotic mess.

"You failed to mention the ring was your mothers." I said beside Eric, on the plane-ride back home.

He heard me, though he pretended not to listen. Finally, he answered, "I prefer not to talk about my mother."

I understood he was sensitive to that subject, but it was also unfair to me. I had no answers, his family life was so distorted and such a mystery to me. I'm ending up finding these secrets about Eric by everyone except him. It made me frustrated, because I was so open about my life, and as for him he was so obscure, inaccessible, and seclusive.

"Is there a reason why?" My mind began to take over my speech.

He cleared his throat, while his mind wandered, "Before she took her last breath, she told me I'd find someone who deserves her ring, unlike Alecia." He had the ring box in his hand, spinning it around on his lap, "I want to make her proud. And you're the one who genuinely deserves this ring. The only one."

I wrapped my hand around his arm and rested my head against his shoulder. He let go and instead wrapped me in his arms tightly. I felt so comfortable and cozy in his arms, as if they were formed to perfectly fit me inside.

"Danica Laven. Oh, that's sounds odd. But yet again, Eric Laven doesn't sound any better." I teased with a giggle.

His chest drummed with light laughter, "I kind of like it, don't you think Mrs. Laven?"

I buried my face in his chest, "It's hideously adorable."

*** Two months Passed ***

Neither- Eric or I, heard from Marcello or Alessandra since the incident at San Francisco.

Eric told me that's how they are. I guess his siblings just pop up in their lives unexpectedly. Something to look forward to, I suppose.

Through these past two months I've been dealing with three major things ironed in my brain.

1.) Graduating from high school.

2.) Celebrating my birthday.


3.) Getting engaged with Eric.

He seemed eager to marry, but I wanted to finish high school first. Which he completely agreed on.

These things were continuously on my mind because they were arriving so quickly.

Graduation was in less than a week away, and I'd get anxiety just thinking about it. Thereafter came my birthday, which I still had no plans for.

I hated still going to school. I had more than enough credits the end of my junior year, my entire senior year was a waste of time, in my opinion.

At the moment, I was leaving school and walking across campus to the front gate. Eric was picking me up, because we decided it was time for him to meet my mom.

Midway through the campus, I spotted Jesse who was now walking towards me.

I sighed.

He smiled faintly as he came closer, "Hey, Danica."

I folded my arms, "I'm in a good mood and I'd rather you not ruin that."

"Oh, about that... I'm sorry I've been acting the way I have with you and your new boyfriend." He struggled to say the last word. My brows pulled together and my eyes narrowed at him.

He shrugged, "I just got really mad that you changed, but that's what people do and I'm now learning to change with them. I also don't want to leave off on bad terms so, will you forgive me? No more conflict between me and Eric."

Wow, he was apologizing. It was something unusual for Jesse. He absolutely hates losing, but by the looks of it, he's matured.

"I know, I get it. You were just trying to look out for me. You know I forgive you."

He smiled sheepishly, running his fingers through his hair, "Oh that's awesome! I've missed hanging out together. You know? As friends."

Please tell me I did not just see his fingers run through his hair.

I gulped incredulously, "Yeah, me too."

There was no way in hell Eric would let me hangout with him. Especially now that Jesse is sparking interest in me. They fought for crying out loud.

"Is Eric picking you up again?" He cracked a smile.

"Yeah, I'm on my way to go see him right now, why?"

"I wanted to apologize to him, in person." Jesse said with exuberant spirits in his tone.

My eyes widened in disbelief, "Are you sure? He might give you another black eye just for saying hi."

A smile stretched across his face as he laughed.

"Probably, but I still owe him an apology." His face relaxed.

I was so shocked to see him mature and so respectful. It was such a positive change, I was so happy for him.

"Okay, come on." I began to walk expecting him to follow, "Give him a smile from afar so he doesn't get all defensive."

As we walked together to the front gate, students would murmur amongst each other, most likely about us walking together without neither one of us mad.

Jesse and I simply turned the hallway, reaching the front gate.

Eric was parked in his yellow Ferrari, on the phone with someone until he caught the sight of us two.

"He always has amazing cars! Where does he work?" Jesse asked having his eyes locked on Eric's car from afar.

Eric hung up the phone, slamming the door aggressively, and stormed towards us. Here comes the tiger.

Eric's face exasperated as he pointed his finger at Jesse, getting closer, "I thought I told you to stay away! Do I have to-"

I lunged in front of Eric before he tore Jesse into pieces, "Jesse is here to apologize."

"Yeah man, I'm sorry I acted like that with you and Danica, it's just that I care about her a lot and don't want to see her hurt." Jesse scrambled for a minute.

Eric scowled at him, "What are you? Her brother? You've been the only one hurting her this entire time."

He frowned deeper, "I know, it was a mistake. I thought you weren't good for her, but you're the best she's ever had."

Eric expression shifted. He hid a smile, "Well, I appreciate that."

"Truce?" Jesse held his hand out.

Eric hesitated for a moment, then cracked a smile, "Truce."

Who would've thought.

His Obsession || Book OneOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora