Untold Secrets

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Part of me didn't want to go back, but another part wanted to. I was so terrified of that vicious side of Eric. Yet again I was desiring his presence.

It was as if he was some kind of drug to me. A drug I shouldn't be taking.


Our hang outs turned to a daily thing. We saw each other each day and the crave to be with him grew and flourished within me. Five months. That's all it took for us.

Throughout those weeks, I've done things I should regret doing, although I don't.

I remember the excitement running through my veins when we skinny dipped in his pool. His presence was all I needed. All I wanted.

I remember when I climbed out the window in my room late at night just so I can hop in the front seat of Eric's car. We drove off that night and I didn't get back till 5am. I remember the sensation that every muscle, joint, and bone felt when we'd make any type of contact. Even a glance, and I'd go wild inside.

I remember the adrenaline pumping in my body when he took me to experience his complete recklessness. It was so vivid in my head; the windows down, the wind throwing my hair around as he raced nearly 120mph, my hands were in the air as I yelled in excitement.

I remember turning my head to Eric as he did the same to me, we held each other's gaze, and I knew my world had been flipped over. I was falling so damn hard for him. That second, I knew I was in love with him.


I had just gotten out of a rough day at practice. My arms were aching and I had a bruise on my leg from running into a pole.

Sounds stupid, but it's very possible.

I limped out of my new dazzling car, which my mother did not approve of, but it's not like I already tried to give it back to Eric.

I was parked in front of his large house which towered its surroundings.

I walked to the mansions front door and knocked, the wait was unusual, a lot shorter than usual. Eric opened the door, when he yanked me inside, he slammed the door before I could even blink.

His face was off, he was tense, "What's the matter?"

He slightly shook his head, then mumbled, "I should've told you." He began to pace back and forth unable to keep still.

"Told me what?" I grew suspicious.

A loud thumping came front the front door directly behind me. I jumped in fright, but Eric was still, with his eyes fixed on the door. As if he seen this coming.

"Go upstairs and lock the door." He whispered, barely enough so I can hear.

I was scared. He finally looked at me and he was pure cold. His hands in fists at his side, chin up, and shoulders high. "Now!" he hissed at me through his clenched teeth.

I quickly followed his orders and ran upstairs. Unlucky for him, I was crouched down behind a cabinet that peeked near a wall upstairs.

Fortunately for me, I could see the entire down stairs clearly, and at a safe distance.

I watched Eric closely as the bangs on the door grew louder. Eric sticks his hand in a porcelain vase and pulls out a gun, he stashed it away in his jacket pocket. I nearly choked.

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