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Danica's POV:

I fluttered my eyes open and an awful pain pounded in my head as I began to gain consciousness.

My fingertips felt the injury, and crimson blood stained my skin.

Is this what it's like to die, I thought, feeling the warmth of my life oozing away from me.

I was in bed, but not my bed.

I sat up, and heard a rattle as I moved. I glanced at my wrist which had been chained to the bed frame.

The nightmare was real.

My heart was thumping loudly against my chest and I felt a heavy weight in my stomach as I viewed my surroundings.

I was lying on a wide mattress, heavily soaked in my blood. I shuddered at the sight of it.

The frigid air was due to the lack of sunlight, which was blocked off since I was in a cellar.

The stone walls that surrounded me, had a metal door at the center, with bars through it.

"Help!" I tried to yell, for anyone. "Help!"

Someone walked down the stone stairs, "Well, look who's awake. Good afternoon, darling."

Marcello smirked at me as he gripped a bar at the door.

"Please don't hurt me." My voice squeaked.

He began to unlock the door, shaking his head at me, "Shh... it won't be too bad." He smiled.

I felt the tears stream down my face as I tugged on the chains, trying to break free.

Failing to do so, he walked up to me and gripped my hair. He pulled my head back, sharply so I gazed straight into his malicious eyes.

I unintentionally began to hyperventilate, my heart was pumping out of my chest, nearly scared to death.

Marcello began to laugh sinisterly as he continued to stare into my eyes drowning in despair, "You escaped the first time, but you won't now. You and Eric will feel this scorching pain, burdening your heart. You'll feel what I feel. You both deserve this."

I frantically shook my head and cried out, "Please, please don't, Marcello. I beg you, please just let me go. Eric made a mistake, he could never forgive himself for it, but you have to move on from it. Like Alessandra said, it's been years."

He stiffly inhaled, then snapped out of it, "Shut up! Stop talking! Eric meant complete harm, and quite frankly, so do I."

"Marcello, please! Rethink this through. This won't help you."

"Its getting even, darling." He smirked as he pulled out a knife from his pocket. "It'll only hurt a little."

I shook my head as he yanked my arm, forcefully and beginning to slice it horizontally.

I yelled in anguish as he continued to carve my arm out.

After he ran out of skin to slash open, he shuffled back upstairs, but only to retrieve a bowl.

I watched my scarlet blood trickle down my arm from each wound I had across each of arms. The sight left me shivering as I cried out in the awful pain.

His demonic smile sent chills down my spine as he extended his hand into the bowl and scooped out a handful of a clear liquid. Every ounce of me hoped it was water, until I smelt the distinguishable odor.

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