Three Things

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He froze at the sight of the weapon. When he cleared his throat, he spoke out carefully, I could see the slight fear in his eyes. "Put that down, Danica."

I hastily wiped the tears that were streaming down my cheeks. He took a dangerous step towards me, and I flinched back.

"Stop!" I shouted, "Don't get near me."

"Please," he pleaded gently, surrendering his hands, "Drop the gun before you accidentally shoot me."

Eric attempted to reach out to me, but I shuffled away, "Get away from me! You murderer!"

He made a sour face, "Alright, that's a reach." Eric shrugged, "I did what any other normal person would do— defend themselves. I mean, you're doing it right now."

I wasn't sure why those men came in the first place, but they were obviously out for blood. Meaning, whatever Eric does in his trade was completely dangerous— and so was he.

I lowered the gun slightly, still gripping it tightly because of the nerves. "Please, just let me go."

He glowered down at me, "None of this would've ever happened if you just followed simple orders. All I asked was for you to get in the room and lock it, and instead you decided to watch!"

After a few more moments, I gathered enough strength to speak, "Please don't kill me."

He scoffed incredulously, "Danica, I'm not going to hurt you."

When he said those few words, I realized how genuine and realistic he meant them. He really wasn't going to hurt me, but his kindness didn't stretch out as far as to others. Still, I was not going to let my guard down. Not after seeing this side of him.

"Why'd you kill them?" I asked softly. He stood in front of me and looked me in the eye. His eyes sincere, but strong. I could tell that whatever he was about to say, he meant every word of it.

"Because it was either my life or theirs, and I'm a selfish person." he smiled sinisterly. I shakily exhaled.

His brows pulled together and he frowned, "But for some reason, I still feel the inevitability to put your life before mine. Strange isn't it?"

"What?" I heard myself say. I finally dropped the gun alongside my hip, still in my hand. I didn't know why I had it, but it gave me some sort of comfort in my safety.

He shrugged and sat on the side of the tub comfortably, "Well, I'd like to be honest with you."

When he realized I wasn't going to move or say anything, he took it as an invite to continue.

He smiled a little, "There's three things you should know about me: 1. I have a small circle. 2. I'm loyal to the end. And most importantly, 3. Never fück me over."

I narrowed my eyes at him, "And if someone does, I'm guessing you would -" Before I could finish, he nonchalantly cut me off.

He casually shrugged his shoulders, "Consequences,"


"Death." he said with a chuckle.

"Why?" I shook my head in disappointment.

"Well, you're staring at one of the most deadly tyrant this generation could ever have. Now that I think of it... death is too easy. Too nice. Too quick." he raised an eyebrow and grinned smugly.

I began to take steps toward the open door, "Please, get away from me. I'll forget everything that happened today."

This time, he didn't even attempt to stop me. In each step I took, I felt my knees shake beneath me. My heart felt swollen, it completely bursted in fear after this horrific discovery of Eric's untold secrets. Though, some stupid voice in me felt as if I'd regret this. That I'd miss all the memories we'd made together, and how much joy he made me feel.

So, before I left, I turned to face him one last time.

His eyes were staring past me and he was sitting sternly. His jaw was clenched together and he looked aggravated, "Don't." he lightly pleaded sympathetically, still staring off into space. He looked as still as a statue, a beautiful one.

But I was tense. I felt like I was staring into the eye of an alluring, unstable grenade.


My head echoed once more. I took a deep breathe and turned on my heel, leaving the room.

A couple seconds after, I heard a loud groan and glass shatter.

I quickened my pace and left out the front door, passing by the dead bodies in fright.

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