Chapter 1

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~~~~~~~~~~Hey guys! Thanks for checking out my story! This is the first time I have ever used wattpad so plz let me know if I mess up on anything :P I will happily fix it lol. Plz let me know what you think of the story :) be brutally honest about it lol I don't mind! Also if you think I should add in another character in the story tell me the details about the character like: Name, Age, Gender, Bio, and what he/she should do. If I like your idea I will put the character in my story and I will give you credit for the character! Bye!~~~~~~~~~~


                "Wake up Shay it's time for school", my Mom says.

                "But Mom I don't want to go to school today", I said.

                "You always say that Shay, there is nothing wrong with school so get up and go get ready or you will be late", my Mom says as she is walking down stairs.

                Ugh, I lay back down wishing I could stay home all day and skate, oh and by the way I am 15 almost 16 and I go to Beachside High School. You would think by the name of the school that I live by the beach, but really I live in the middle of the woods where the closest thing to a beach is a pond.

                Shay's Mom yells from down stairs, "Shay are you getting ready or are you still laying there day dreaming".

                "I'm getting ready", I yell back.

                "You better be", my mom yells back.

                My mom doesn't like that all I want to do all day is skate. She wants my motto to be just study and make all A's 24/7. But I am not the daughter she wants me to be. I am a Skater Girl. My motto is skate all day and leave studying and all A's behind. But of course what I think doesn't count. I have to do everything she says.

                I got ready and headed down stairs; I grabbed three dollars for lunch, my skateboard, and my iPod. It takes me thirty to thirty-five minutes for me to ride my skateboard to school, so that gives me plenty of time to listen to music.

                 Just as one of the songs stopped playing I noticed a guy skating next to me, I stopped my board and as soon as I thought that maybe he was just trying to pass me, he stops and looks at me. After a couple of awkward seconds of silence he finally asked me if something was wrong.

                “No” I said.

                “Ok then let's go”, he says smiling, and skated away and I hurried up and jumped on my board and followed him.

                It turns out I had 3 classes with him so far and he sits right next to me in first period and I didn't even know. I also found out his name is Dakota but he goes by Wolf, which is an awesome name! We also live in the same neighborhood, and he is 16. We are going skating right after school, so one more hour until Skating! Woohoo!

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