Chapter 4

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                "Wolf, where were you the last three days!" I said.

                "I have been helping your mom prepare your birthday", Wolf said smiling.

                "You’re so sweet Wolf", I said smiling back.

                "Well don't leave me out, it was my idea for him to stay out of school so he could help me prepare for your surprise party", my mom said smiling.

                "Thank you mom", I said still smiling.

                "You ready to open your presents", Wolf said.

                "No she isn't, it's time for cake then presents", mom said.

                "Aww, mom I want to open my presents", I said.

                "You can, after cake" my mom said.

                "Fine", I said.

                We ate cake and I kept asking what I had gotten for my birthday, but neither one of them would tell me.

                We finished eating cake and it was time for presents! I ran to the presents and was about to grab one when Wolf put his hand on my shoulder and handed me a present, and said open this one first. It had beautiful wrapping paper; it was a cyan blue with zebra stripes on it. I opened the present that he had handed to me and saw that he had gotten me a new cyan blue Zero skateboard! I hugged him as tight as I could, and asked him how he knew my favorite color was cyan!

                "Your mom told me that your absolute favorite color was cyan no doubt about it", Wolf said smiling.

                "It is! I love it, thank you Wolf!" I screamed.

                "Follow me Shay, you have one more awesome present that your mom got you", Wolf said smiling.

                I followed him out the front door and into my mom's garage, and as I walked in my mom pulled a faded tan cover off of something and yelled SUPPRISE! I saw a brand new solid black Artic Cat 4-wheeler!

                "Oh my god! Thank you so much mom!" I said.

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