Chapter 6

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                A week went by the same, loud noises and everything smells. Also I have been kind of skipping school lately because of the incident that happened in sixth period a week ago and Wolf has also been calling me wondering where I am, but I just told him I was really sick and couldn't get out of bed, but I was really at the skate park, then as soon as school lets out I head home so nobody sees me and tell teachers that I have been skipping and to not see Wolf, I am afraid to be around him when all of this weird stuff is happening to me. So I hope all of this weird stuff ends soon.

                The next day everything was a little better, not as loud and smelly. I actually felt like going to school today. I got ready and headed down stairs and grabbed my IPod, lunch money and my skateboard, and headed out the door. I almost put my headphones on when I heard someone come up behind me and try to do something to me but before they could I quickly turned around and punched them in the face and right after I punched them I freaked out because it was Wolf!

                "Wolf! Oh my god are you ok! I'm so sorry!" I yelled.

                "Yea I'm fine", Wolf said as he was trying to get the feeling of being punched out of his system.

                "I'm so sorry Wolf, I swear I didn't know it was you behind me", I said.

                "It's ok, I should have known not to try to sneak up behind you", Wolf said.

                I did a nervous laugh and started heading to school feeling bad, and Wolf followed me but kept a distance like he was afraid to get to close to me now.

                We got to school and we both went to our first period class, we sat down at our desk and started doing our bellwork. He usually talks to me throughout class but today he won't talk to me, I feel kind of sad now... I wish none of this weird stuff was happening to me.

                The whole day was boring because Wolf wasn't talking to me. All the periods come and gone as fast as a snail can finish a mile long race.

                Finally the final bell rang and I left the class and headed home.

                As I was walking home with my skateboard in hand; I heard someone coming up behind me, but this time I didn't punch them in the face. A couple of seconds later Wolf started walking beside me, so I was glad that I didn't.

                "Hey Wolf", I said.

                "Hey Shay", Wolf said in a quiet almost a whisper voice.

                "Wolf I really am sorry about this morning, I really didn't know it was you", I said.

                "Shay it’s ok, I really don't care", Wolf said in the same almost whisper voice.

                "Then why do you act scared to be around me? Is it because of the weird things that are happening to me, or something, because if it is I will stop being around you until I figure out what is going on with me", I said.

                "No Shay I don't want you to stop being around me, I like it better when you are around. It's just I am worried about you. You have never acted this way before and it kind of weird, and I want to help you. So I figured the first step would be you getting used to being by yourself more often", Wolf said.

                "Really Wolf? What do you think I have been doing the last week? I wasn't sick, I was staying home until I felt ok to come back to school and be able to hang around you, but no, you tell me that I have to stop hanging out with you and everyone else. Whatever", I said as I got on my skateboard and headed home as fast as I could leaving wolf behind.

                "Shay wait! I didn't mean it that way!", Wolf yelled at me.

                I kept on going; I didn't feel like listening to what Wolf had to say to me anymore. I mean first he tells me he likes me being around him, and then he tells me he doesn't want me to be around him for a while. Ugh, guys a weird and confusing. I put in my headphones hoping the music would calm my nerves. By the time I got home I had calmed down a little bit. I went up to my room and laid down in bed, and started thinking about what wolf said again, and not long after I fell asleep.

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