Chapter 16

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                                                                   Shays POV

A couple of seconds later I felt it. At first it was a tingling feeling, and then all of a sudden I felt a searing pain going all throughout my body. I screamed at the top of my lungs, the pain was becoming unbearable. My eyes could finally open all the way, I looked at Shane but I couldn’t tell what he was doing everything was blurry from all the pain and the tears that were running down my cheeks. The pain kept getting worse and worse and it would never go away.

                  Then all of a sudden it stopped.  I felt nothing, nothing at all.  I felt peaceful, like I died and there was nothing now that could hurt me.

                After a couple of minutes of the peaceful feeling I felt like I was being shaked. I moaned wishing the shaking would stop, but it never did, it got worse. I started seeing a bright light, and everything in the light was blurry.  I looked around and that made me really dizzy, so I put my head back down. I saw a dark figure looking down at me. From the best I could tell, I believe it was a male looking down at me. I sniffed the air and it was Shane.

                I heard my Wolf whimper and I spoke to it in my head with my thoughts –at least I hoped my Wolf could hear or read my thoughts-, “What’s wrong?  Is something bad about to happen?” I asked my Wolf.

                Then I heard her reply to my question, she said, “Shay, I don’t know what happening. This has never happened to an Unnatural before.  I thought at first when this started happening you might transform into me, but everything that has been happening to you isn’t what happens to Unnaturals when they transform for their first time. I’m not sure what’s happening to you.

                I thought about what my Wolf had just told me and I looked up at Shane and he was watching me closely and I said, “Shane, my Wolf just told me that at first she thought I was going to transform into her, but now everything that is happening to me isn’t what happens to an Unnatural when they transform into their Wolf for the first time, and I was thinking about what she said and I remembered something that Dakota, my last Mate and told me.” Shane stopped me with a growl when I said my last Mate, then I continued, “He told me when he first told me that I was an Unnatural that I wasn’t like the other Unnaturals.”

                Shane looked at me angrily and I knew it was because I was talking about Dakota and he mumbled angrily, “He was right, you are different from other Unnaturals Shay, but what’s your point about this?”

                I hesitated for a moment knowing what I was about to say was going to sound stupid but I didn’t care, I believe it’s true, “What if my transformation will be different from the rest of the Unnaturals?”

                Shane thought for a moment and sighed defeatedly then said, “I don’t know Shay. I wish I did but I don’t Shay and I’m sorry that I don’t.”  I saw it in his eyes, if he had something in his hands right now he would throw it across the room, or possible punch the wall. I barely heard him, but he was frowning and whispered, “I know I haven’t been that great of a Mate Shay, and I’m sorry about that.  You deserve someone a lot better than me, someone that actually could help you through what you’re going through right now than I can.”

                I heard my Wolf whimpering in sadness and I frowned at him and grabbed one of his hands and balled it into a fist and kissed it lightly and whispered back to him, “I don’t deserve anyone better or worse than you, because you are my true Mate Shane and you know that, even your Wolf knows that.” I hesitated for a moment then said as my voice started to crack, “I don’t want you to say something  like that Shane, I love you and I don’t want you to leave me, and I would never leave you for some else Shane, because there is no one else that I’d rather be with then you.”  My Wolf yelped in joy as I said this, probably happy that I would never leave mine or her true Mate.

                Shane frowned at me when he heard my voice starting to crack, but then he smiled at me when I told him that I would never leave him.  He started to moan then he arched his back, then instead of him standing next to my bed, it was a solid black huge Wolf and I knew it was Shane’s Wolf standing by me and I smiled down at him.  Shane’s Wolf put his two front paws up on the side of my bed and licked my cheek and I smiled and laughed and scratched Shane’s Wolf behind his ear.

                After a couple of minutes of scratching him behind the ear I started feeling numbness spreading  throughout my body and darkness started growing in my vision until I couldn’t see anything at all.  My lungs started to burning and I noticed that I had stopped breathing completely.

                                                                       Shane POV

                I looked at her threw my Wolf’s eyes and I licked her hand that had stopped scratching me behind the ear and had dropped back to her side.  I whimpered when she didn’t move her hand, and I looked over at her face and I noticed her eyes had closed again, I listened to her heart beat to see if she had blacked out again, but instead over hearing a slow heart beat I heard nothing, my Wolf barked trying to get his Mate to wake up, not believing in what he was not hearing from her. When she still didn’t do anything he barked louder and howled for a whole minute trying to get a response from her, but still no response came from her.  I whimpered and jumped up on the bed and laid down and curled up next to her, and of course the doctor probably heard my Wolf barking and howling and came to check on Shay, but when my Wolf saw the doctor walk into the room and walk towards Shay he growled and got up and stood by Shay protectively. The doctor looked at My Wolf nervously and he slowly walked back out of the room. My Wolf laid back down next to his Mate and whimpered sadly that his Mate no longer had a heart beat.

                After about a couple a couple of minutes of laying next to her silently she suddenly started shaking and I stood up and jumped off of the bed and looked at Shay worriedly, she continued to shake for a couple of seconds, but then she stopped and stayed completely still, then she arched her back and then instead of a beautiful girl lying in the bed, there was a beautiful silver Wolf lying in the bed.


Well everyone this is the end of my story! This story is now completed! Yay! Now its time for the next part of the story! Unnatural Book 2! Woohoo! lol

I hope you liked my first ever completed book! :)

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