Chapter 8

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                I stood there for a second trying to comprehend everything that just happened to me, and then I walked up to my room slowly looking at everything that I had to pack. I grabbed a suitcase and packed all of my favorite clothes, pictures, and my IPod. As I was about to walk down stairs, I saw a picture of my dad when he was young and his dad was at his side, I studied my dad's father and noticed everything that I saw in Wolf, a calm but alert stair, curious eyes, and strong looking. I grabbed the picture and put it in my suitcase and walked down stairs. I grabbed my skateboard and skated to Wolf's house with my suitcase in hand.

                I got to Wolf's house and heard the clicking sound of a lock unlocking and Wolf opened the door with my mom standing next to him.

                "Ok, I'm here, you can let her go now", I said.

                "Ok, come in and get comfortable while your mom goes back to her house.", Wolf said.

                I walked over to his couch and sat down and stared at the suitcase that was in my hands. A couple of seconds later Wolf came over and sat down next to me.

                "Shay, it's time to take you to your new home", Wolf said and stoodup and grabbed my suitcase and went out the door and cranked his car and waved for her to get in with him.

                I went to the car and got in. "Where am I going to live now", I asked Wolf.

                "It's a surprise", Wolf said smiling.

                I sighed and sat there and put my headphones in and listened to music most of the ride over to my new home, because Wolf kept wanting to ask me questions about what was my favorite song and other things that I liked other than skateboarding, but gave up after I started ignoring him after the fourth question he asked me.

                For the past hour we sat in the car in silence, and I decided to break the silence. "So how much longer until were their", I asked.

                "Not much longer maybe thirty minutes or less, why, is my poor Shay getting bored", Wolf said smiling.

                "Ok, let's just get one thing strait, I am not yours", I said irritatedly. "Also yes I am bored", I said.

                "Ok, let's get another thing strait, since I am the Alpha Male, you are mine, everyone in our pack is mine. It's my responsibility to defend our pack, meaning their mine", Wolf said then he looked at my hand that had the tattoo on it and he grabbed my hand and turned it over and rubbed the tattoo gently and said, “you never told me when you got that tattoo.”

                I shrugged and said, “I thought it came with turning into an unnatural.”

                Wolf shook his head and said, “No, at least not that I know of.” He looks at the palms of his hands and says, “nope, I didn’t get a tattoo.”

                “Then how come I got a tattoo”, I said.

                Wolf shrugs.

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