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All Nikki wanted to do was get it over with

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All Nikki wanted to do was get it over with. This was all she wanted out of this stupid thing in the first place. To get it over with and to come out okay. She didn't want anything more than to stop waking up to an empty bedside and going to sleep shivering through the night. But she knew she had to get through this first. She talked about how she explained her feelings to Hayley and how they eventually ended up dating as Paramore put out a fourth record with their new singer,Hayley on the cover.

"Omg! You're Hayley Williams!" A fan squealed. I jumped and held a hand over my ear. No shit,Captain Obvious. This was about the twelfth fan that did that out of the twelve that the guys and Hayley had met so far. It was really annoying and I didn't see how none of them were deaf by it yet. Hayley smiled politely. "Yeah,I am. Um,do you want a hug?" I glared at the floor in envy as Hayley stood up and wrapped her arms around the fan tightly. Hayley's hair was temporarily blonde,which she complained that she hated for the past few months now,but later on tomorrow we were going to dye it. She couldn't decide between orange and pink so she finally just bought both. When she was getting her's blonde,she begged me to get the same. I finally caved and cut it,dying it blonde with brown highlights.

Oh boy,now I see why you say it's getting recent.


Our first date was that night and I was so excited. "Jesus,Nikki,stop jumping around. You're making the whole bus jump." Jeremy mocked,not taking his eyes away from his phone. He was currently face-timing his wife and baby girl,Sophie. "I can't I'm so excited! Me and Hayley are finally gonna have some alone time! No paparazzi,no fans,no interviews-just us." Taylor came from the bunk room and walked past me,eating a bowl full of grapes. "You were never this excited when we were dating," I rolled my eyes and sat next to him,stealing a few grapes. He pouted and held it closer to his chest. "Because,when we were dating it was different. I was always trying to convince myself that I was into you that way." I mumbled,popping the grape in my mouth. He shrugged and nodded in understanding. "You're right,munch." I waved to Hanna,Jeremy's wife,and she waved back with a cheeky smile. "How's my little monster?" I asked and Sophie giggled making grabby hands to the camera. "She's just fine. Say hi to Aunt Nikki,Soph!" Sophie stuffed her right hand in her mouth but waved innocently with her left hand. I chuckled and waved back. "Hey,Rosie? Can you come here for a sec?" I smirked and turned towards the bunks. "Yeah! Be right there!" I turned back to the camera and waved. "Duty calls!" Hanna laughed and Sophie looked up at her cluelessly. "Bye,Nikki!" I smiled and walked to the bunks,seeing Hayley on her knees and searching everywhere. "Hm. This is an interesting hello." I teased with a smirk. Hayley laughed and blushed as she stood up to her feet and walked over to me,kissing my cheek. "Do you think you can call my phone for me? I can't find it anywhere and I swear I had it earlier." I nodded and pulled out my phone from my back pocket. "Sure!" I clicked on her contact and waited as it rang. "Oh Nicki you so fine,you so fine you blow my mind hey Nicki," I laughed and walked over to my bunk as the song still played through,pulling her phone out from in between my fluffy Iron Man blanket. I handed it to her with a cocky smirk. "Nice ringtone you got there,babe." I smiled and she glared at me playfully. "Don't judge when yours is I Kissed A Girl." I laughed and rolled my eyes. "It's a classic,what can I say?" Hayley grinned and kissed my nose before grabbing my hand and pulling me out to the front. "We're going out now! Later!" I smiled and skipped behind her. We ended up eating at some karaoke bar with a difficult name to pronounce.

You did karaoke?

Um,yes. But I was also very drunk.

Ah,that makes much more sense then doesn't it?

In my opinion.

I finally got Hayley to sing with me and the last thing I remembered was jamming out to I Kissed A Girl by Katy Perry. In my opinion,it was an amazing date. Probably even the best I had ever been on. I woke up with her three bar necklace around my neck,and Hayley under my arm. After that night,we dyed her hair. She was still indecisive so we just dyed it half pink and half orange. "What do you think?" Hayley asked nervously,biting her lip. "I think you look beautiful." I smiled wide. She returned it but her facial expression changed to a bright idea. She grabbed a pair of scissors and handed them to me. I chuckled and raised a brow in confusion. "What do you want me to do?" She shrugged. "Cut my bangs for me." I grinned and said,"How short?" She twisted up her face in thought and pointed up her forehead. I tilted my head but shrugged and went to work.

Everything seemed to be at peace.

Yeah,for a while,it was.

Then,the fame slowly started to split us apart and make a place for itself in the middle. We would always bump heads because Hayley would always miss dates,forget important things and promises that she made,and was always too busy. It was like she had no place in her life for me anymore. That promise that we made back at the band house was broken. So,I went home. Every time Hayley or the guys called,I let it go to voicemail. But eventually,I got tired of my phone ringing and picked up without checking the ID. That's when Carly called and that's when everything started.

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