Chapter 11

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Charlotte Midnight's POV

I raised my hand to the point of impact, the sting of the touch ran through my body. I held the side of my face as I sunk to the floor, leaning against the bars of the cell.

The fact that my own mate would lay a hand on me hurt more than the stinging sensation. How could a mate do that to their own mate? And worse, he didn’t even let me explain what was going on. I felt a tear fall down my face, oh god, why do I have to cry?


I felt so alone even though I am in a room full of people, but at the same time I felt suffocated. Although I was just in a prison cell, I now feel more caged then ever. There is no where I can run to get away from these people, they are chocking me.

The pain of the slap feels like nothing now, but the pain between me and Ayden is increasing. Something between the mate bond had broken and I can definitely feel it, I don’t know if Ayden can feel it but its very strong on my side. 

I start to feel light headed, I try to take another breath but no air comes in, I literally feel like I am being chocked. Images flash before me; some are light, happy images of me and Ayden spending our time together, the others are dark, depressing images of our lives without each other.

'Shit, Charlotte!' I hear a voice in the distance. More things are being said but I cant hear them, they are more like distant mumbles.

My eyes begin to drupe as I feel unconsciousness take over. Images are still flashing through my brain, raking any information they can.

Finally, my eyes shut and the world blanks out. I have finally found my peace.

Ayden Red's POV

I am absolutely fuming. My wolf is ready to take over any second now. My pack fighters, Joshua and I just had a meeting about a Midnight Moon attack. One of the prison guards overhead Charlotte and her second talking about a surprise attack. It was to be expected but Charlotte wasn't going to tell me.

My wolf was ready to surface during the whole meeting but I tried to keep my calm. I am now on my way to confront Charlotte about it, hopefully we will have a civilised conversation about it and my wolf won't take over.

I closed the pack prison door behind me and walked down the hallway towards Charlotte's cell. I still feel bad for putting her in the cell but she needs to learn. I was only going to keep her here during the day, I don’t think I could sleep knowing she is locked up down here.

"-- Ayden will be furious if I leave," I heard my mates angelic voice sing. I stopped in my tracks, does she really want to leave me again? I growled loudly and the thought of living without my mate. She has got to know by now that even if she does leave, I will find her.

"You're going to leave me again?" I shouted at her. It was supposed to be more of a calm question but that didn’t work

When she looked up at me, eyes glazing innocence, my wolf just lost it and took over control.

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