Chapter 12- 10 Days till Attack

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Rosaline Midnight's POV (Charlotte's Mother)


I paced around the room as I folded up Charlotte's clean laundry for the seventh time since she diapered. I placed her clothes back in her draw and I began to dust again. The only way I can stop myself from bursting into tears is when I keep myself busy.

"Mom, what are you doing in here again?" my youngest son, Derek asked as he walked in the door. Derek is 19 and his elder brother, Jace Midnight, is 22 and will soon be the Alpha of the pack. They are both very similar in their looks, much like Charlotte; I am a very proud mother of my three babies.

"I am just cleaning up, love," I said as I reached up and dusted on top of Charlotte's book shelf.

"Mom," Derek whispered as he put his hand on my shoulder. I jumped and turned around, looking up at my son. He was around 6 ft, like his father and brother, were I am 5 ft 4', like Charlotte, "you have already cleaned this room, like, 10 times since she…" he cut himself off, not wanting to admit what had happened.

I looked up at him with tears sitting in my eyes, as I blinked; a tear escaped one of my eyes.

"Oh mom," He cried and pulled my into a tight hug.

"My baby is gone," I cried into Derek's shoulder, "that bastard took her and I know it," I seethed.

"Charlotte will be back soon mom, just you wait," Derek cooed softly. It shouldn’t be like this, I should be the one comforting my child and telling him everything will be okay.

Just the thought of Charlotte made me burst into tears again. I sobbed loudly into Derek's shoulder.

I just want my little girl back.


Derek, Jace and I had just finished eating our family dinner. Joseph (Alpha Midnight) couldn’t make it to dinner tonight because he was planning things with the pack. Joe thinks I don’t know what they are doing, but I'm not stupid like I was in my young age. I know they are plotting revenge on that asshole that took her, possibly killed her.

I looked down at my lap, not wanting my boys to see the tears in my eyes or the worry on my face.

"Hi Hun, sorry I couldn’t make it to tea," Joe came in and kissed me on the cheek.  He looked down at my blue eyes and frowned. I looked into his green eyes and knew exactly what he was thinking, call it a mate instinct.

"Don’t cry Rosaline," He said looking directly at me, I nodded my head and wiped my tear stained face, getting rid of the fresh tears. Joseph looked up and looked from Derek to Jase to me, "I have some news to tell you all," he said and clapped his hands together.

"I hope it's good, mom could really use some good news right now," Jase said and smiled at me. He has always been very caring of me.

"Some of it is good," Joe told us.

We all waited patiently for Joe to begin talking, he sat down on the chair next to me and intertwined our fingers, "Charlotte is alive."

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