Chapter 26- 6 Days till Attack

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Charlotte Midnight's POV

I trudged home as my belly was full of food. If I wasn't actually pregnant, I would think I was pregnant with food. Ayden and I had just had a three course meal, courtesy of Ms Parkston. It was actually really sweet, after Ayden and I had been working for a while; he surprised me with a meal and roses.

It was like going on a date, a human type date. Mates don't normally do these types of things because we don't need to impress each other, so it was really sweet he would do it for me.

We walked home together, hand in hand. In Ayden's other hand he held my bouquet of roses that he had offered to take home for me.

"I'm so full," I complained in a whining voice, "and tired."

"Then I guess I will have to carry you," Ayden chuckled as he dropped my flowers to the ground and scooped me up into a bridal carry.

"You dropped my flowers!" I whined.

Ayden lowered his head to whisper in my ear, "I would drop anything for you."

I blushed at his words as he kissed my cheek, "let's go home." Ayden's voice was dark and husky and his eyes had turned dark with lust.

I groaned as I leaned my head against his chest, "not tonight, Ayden. I already told you I was tired, I just want to go to sleep."

Ayden sighed but kissed my forehead anyway, "Okay."

Once we got home, Ayden put me down on the front porch so he could unlock the door. Once he opened it, he went to pick me up again but I pushed past him and slumped on the couch inside.

"Do you want to go to bed?" Ayden asked me as he raised an eyebrow at me since I was sitting on the couch with my legs open. I was wearing shorts so I wasn't revealing anything and it was the most comfortable position I could find so why not.

"No, I want to talk!" I exclaimed, "Sit down and talk to me."

Ayden seemed hesitant, probably because I have never asked him this before, but he nodded his head and sat down next to me anyway. I scooted back on the couch so I was lying down with my head resting on his lap. His hand soothingly ran through my hair, calming me down to a blissful state.

"What do you want to talk about?" Ayden asked in a humming voice. Well, I don't know if he used that voice but that was all I heard.

"Let's talk about Carter," I suggested.

"Can't we talk about us?" Ayden said as he grabbed my hand. He intertwined our fingers and gave my hand a small squeeze. I looked up into his eyes with all the love in the world.

"No," I growled, wiping the smile right off his face, "We are talking about Carter."

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