Capítulo 6

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It was afternoon when Lorraine went to Ed who was listening to the recordings to see what was failing because the devil had not yet appeared. Lorraine was by his back and touched him in his chest, massaging them. Ed looked up and smiled at her.

"Hey." he said to her.

"Hey, what are you doing? These so thoughtful." He asked Lorraine.

"I see what is missing." he said looking at the recorder.

"How so? Is anything missing?" she asks leaning his head on his head and giving him a kiss on the cheek.

"I feel this missing something here. This is not quite right, recording not caught anything. So we have our confessions than we, which in the eyes of the media not watch over nothing. And this recording has nothing more. Not know." he said a little disappointed.

"We have to help them." she said and Ed pulled her to her to sit on his lap. When she sat down, Ed shook it and said, "I know I'll start by arranging the washing sink that clogged the closet and the door fell.." he replies and Lorraine smiled and kissed him on the mouth and put his head on his chest. And Ed kissed her on the forehead and returned to balanca her in his lap until she fell asleep on his lap.

Ed when he realized she was asleep, he took her to bed and then was arranging the closet and then arrange the lava crockery.

"Why do it? To help people like us.?" asks Phillip.

"When you were little, already worried that he had something under his bed at night? Well ..." he said and look at Janet, from under the seat. He sits and looks at her and said, "In my bed actually had something under Yes Something grabbed my hand and pulled me tightly to the ground, was too dark to see, but I ran so fast from there... ... You know what my father did? He dragged me back to the room and said I had to face my fears. So I was very afraid. But then I remembered that a nun told me catechesis . 'God is there. For all those who need it.' So I took this crucifix from my nightstand - said Ed to remove it from the neck - and said whatever was down there it was better to leave or God would kick his ass. " They both laughed. "It was the best thing my father did for me. Of course he did it because he did not believe me. It took me years to find someone who believed." And again fix the faucet.

"And what did you do when you found that person?" He asked Phillip.

"I married her," replied Ed. And Phillip smiled Ed.

Half an hour before dinner, Lorraine saw Phillip in swing sadly.

"Hi. I sit down?" asks Lorraine.

"Sure." Phillip responds.

"what you have?" asks Lorraine.

"So I tell him to promise not account my mother is that I do not want to worry about." he said with his head down.

"Of course. You can trust me." said Lorraine and sits.

"In school all run away from me because the news already ran the whole city. I do not have friends. I can not sleep without the entity to haunt me. I'm so tired. Last week I went to sleep in the clinic because I I was so exhausted. But already I can not do that anymore. The worst thing is that I was enjoying someone and until she moved away from me. " he said.

"Look, I know what it is. When I was your age, I went to visit my mother in the hospital and saw an angel," said Lorraine with enthusiasm and Phillip looked at her. "Yes," said Lorraine looking at him and looked forward again and said, smiling:. "He was standing near a bed of a boy playing softly on her cheek and then stopped and looked .. diretamnete for me." While saying he made the gesture and looked at Phillip when he said the last sentence. Continuing to look at Phillip, Lorraine continues:. "Of course, my mother and the nurses do not believe" and Phillip continues to look for Lorraine "But I knew it was real" Lorraine said looking directly into the eyes of Pillip and Phillip looked forward and looked at the floor ... "I know how to lose friends for being different. But I also know that a person can change everything." He looked forward, and say that he closed his eyes shook his head from side to side and looked at him and said. "You just need to open it"

The conjuring 3: Ed e Lorraine Warren.Where stories live. Discover now