Capítulo 7

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This time the cameras had recorded everything and had photographed the devil.

After showing the footage to Father Gordon, this said, "This is complicated."

"Why? They are baptized." said Ed.

"Yes, but not attending my parish, under the law they belong to the parish of Jeffrey Rhode Island priest."

"What is?" Ed asks indignantly.

"The approval had to come directly from the Vatican." said Father. But I'll take care of it personally. "

"Thank you Father. I'll wait for your call." said Ed.

"Yes." Gordon said the priest.

And Ed and Lorraine left toward their house, but halfway, Lorraine is teleported and Ed to the car suddenly and startled by the disappearance of the woman.

"Lorraine Lorraine !? !?" Cry Ed sema see. Ed got out and tried to nothing and suddenly realizes that she had been the work of the devil and back home of Jane.

Upon arriving you are trying to kill Phillip Lorraine with a knife and Brian and Drew are trying to prevent.

Ed runs for them and loose women. " Are you okay?"

"yes I am." she said and back to say: ". it needs an exorcism"

"Father Gordon this far, it will not endure." . Said Ed Lorraine looks to Ed and said, "You can do Ja made two, can make another.."

"But you have to get out of here." said Ed.

"I'm not going anywhere."

"I can not lose you." said Ed.

"will not." said Lorraine. "I will get the book." and out of the basement.

Check back and Ed takes the crucifix chest and made the cross itself. Lorraine does the same.

"In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit." said Ed and kisses the Crucifix.

Open the Bible and dise: "Vade Retro Satana" and throw holy water on Phillip that this tied to a chair. And he shouts.

Ed continues and Phillip can come loose and get on Lorraine vomiting blood over her face. Lorraine screamed and Ed took the box Phillip his wife and Brian Drew and hold it again and Ed continues to do the exorcism until Phillip no longer possessed.

They thought it was over. But not.

When leaving home, Lorraine to the middle of the hallway. Ed looked back and comes near her, touching her in the arm and said, "honey, you are well" and Lorraine said in a demonic voice.

"You will all die" and laughs.

"No, not my milher his coward." He said Ed and Lorraine wagging that lies to the ground and tries to distemper it.

Ed turns to the contrary and started to do the exorcism, but can not.

Ed can not do exorcisms in the woman he loves, for fear of losing.

Then he tries inside. Ed tries to get Lorraine fight inside.

"Honey, look at me. I, Ed. You have to fight, fight, love, fight." And begins to fall Ed's face tears.

"Your wife already gone." He said the blonde laughing.

"no, it was not." said Ed and looked in the woman's eyes and said. "Do you remember the first time we spoke? I was working that Wednesday night at the cinema entrance and as always I was waiting for you to show up. You were a beautiful girl with brown hair falling in waves on his shoulder, a beautiful smile and bluest eyes also kinder than I have ever seen. I knew you were a high school student, as I was last year, because I you had seen once at school, was going to class. Every Wednesday, you came with her mother to watch a movie, and the first time I had seen him in a summer dress with her mother in the queue, I had the feeling that my world had stopped listening to his mother calling his name, telling him something. I had lost myself in her blue eyes, and had turned over to the other side fast as would be reduced his face. but I never had the courage to talk to you, honey, despite being popular in school and many girls waiting to leave me, but I only had eyes for you. despite its beauty and smoothly, every time I saw you there in the theater, I saw how lonely he was, despite going with his mother. There were always other teens there, some girls I knew were in his class, they did not talk with you, some of them would throw their contempt looking and had begun to bore me, making me feel a strong desire to take you away to protect and love you, even if something told me that you were a strong girl and hot she knew to take care of yourself. I ran my hand through my hair black When I saw the pretty girl, not the prettiest girl in the world, stopping in front of the wall of the street where posters of the films on display were, but this time you were alone. Seeing that there was no one in line, I stepped out from behind the rope that blocked the entrance to the rooms and a deep breath tool, touching the crucifix i allways wore under his shirt, ready to go to talk to you. But when I started walking toward you, I saw two girls and two boys approaching you and I could hear one of the girls was saying, while you torned to them, their eyes were sad. - "Look who's here, strange Lorraine Be not you have a tarot card reading or something today.?

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