Capítulo 29

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Ed opened the front door and left the Lorraine in first, after he entered, he closed the door. Ed had left all the equipment in the car, if there were any problems with Joe's family.

The first thing that Lorraine did was see if his daughter, Judy, was asleep. She entered into the daughter's room without making noise and when he saw that the little one was asleep, she gave him a kiss on the forehead, left the room and closed the door.

"Judy this sleep?" asks Ed when Lorraine comes into the room.

"Yes, this." He said Lorraine to look her husband.

"I'll change clothes," said Ed going through his wife.

"I'm going too." He said Lorraine following behind her husband. But before they reached the room, the phone rings.

Ed goes up to her and answer the call.

"Hello." said Ed.

"Ed, I'm Joe. The children said that Jesse left with two small. They also said that she had a bad smell," said Joe.

"You know where she was?" asks Ed.

"no." replied Joe.

"She goes home. She has her mother to kill the family. She goes home, Ed." Said Lorraine.

"Joe goes home, I already it'll have you." Ed said and hung up the call.

He was walking toward the door when Lorraine said. "I'll go with you"

'No, stay with Judy. " said Ed.

"No, I'm with you, Ed."

"No, you will not." said Ed.

"I think I'll let him do it alone." she said, looking into his eyes.

"Lorraine, Hon. I can not lose you. I'm not prepared to live without you. In'm prepared to live a life without you is not in it. So you will not. You stay here and wait for me."

"You will not lose me, Ed. And I will. I can not let you do this alone. I'm not going." He said Lorraine coming up in May near him.

"All right, but stay behind me and not turn away. This well?" said Ed and forwards to the car with Lorraine behind him.

They arrived at Joe's house shortly after Joe and Drew. Ed opened the front door and their segiu Jesse's screams coming from the basement. When Ed enters the basement, he sees Jesse clinging to Carl, with a knife in the other hand, trying to kill the child. Drew and Joe, one on each side trying to free her and the boy. Ed and Lorraine to come closer and Lorraine makes her drop the Carl and Ed grab it.

Jesse sticks the knife on the shoulder of Ed and Lorraine shouts: "Ed, naaaaaaooooo!" Lorraine runs to her husband and takes a cloth and slapped her frida. Lorraine with the cloth wraps the arm to estantar. Ed with Joe's help sit Jesse a chair. Drew takes the Carl and Sam and led them to the car of Ed.

Ed said it had to be him doing the exorcism.

Lorraine will get the book and passes it to Ed. Ed takes his crucifix breast and kissed him.

He opens the page to do the exorcism and makes the cross on his chest followed by Lorraine.

Ed grabs the bottle of holy water and said: "Vade Retro satana." and throw holy water on Jesse shuddered and cried.

Ed continued with the exorcism. "Exorcizamus you, omnis immundus spiritus, omnis satanica potestas, incursio infernalis adversarii omnis, omnis legio, omnis congregatio et secta diabolica, in nomine et virtute Domini Nostri Jesu Christi, eradicare et effugare Dei Ecclesia ab ad animabus imagine Dei conditis ac pretioso divini sanguine Agni redemptis. " It continues to extremecer but last sessa seconds. "And Ed then continues:

The conjuring 3: Ed e Lorraine Warren.Where stories live. Discover now