Capítulo 18

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It was already morning when Ed was waking Lorraine. He arrived at the foot of her and woke her to kisses. Lorraine opens his eyes and smiles.

"Good Morning." she said.

"Good Morning." she said. "Wakes up and walks take breakfast."

Ed and Lorraine went down to go make breakfast. They were all sitting around the table when Debbie looked at Ed and said. "We are very grateful for coming to help us David feels very safe with you here."

"We were happy to help them." He said Ed and Lorraine drink a sip of tea.

It was already afternoon when they were all seated and Ed went to Drew a folder with papers.

Half an hour later the door to the basement opened up alone and Ed gave the camera the Drew and Lorraine was behind him. Drew turned on the camera and Ed, who was in the basement entrance, looked at his watch and said, "are 19:30 and the basement door opened by itself, I'll see her together with Lorraine and Drew." Ed entered the basement with Lorraine behind and Drew with the camera. "Leave the light off."

Lorraine inadvertently touches a spider web and then takes his hand and shakes it. Ed finally descends the stairs and turn on the recorder, and walks to the middle of the basement and said, "this here someone who wants to communicate?" and around the basement and sees that this Lorraine crouched holding onto the stairs. "Are you okay?"

 "Sure you have something here." She said she and Ed will be with her, grabs the bottle of holy water, playing on the floor and said, ". peche the door, move something" nothing happened.

Ed, Lorraine and Drew went up the stairs and Ed looks backwards suddenly, which made Drew looked too. But not seen anything.

Ed to leave said, "Like I said, not always happens to want us." And when he was closing the door, it closes on its own. Scaring Debbie.

"Not you stayed scared?" asks David to Ed, he has come to his foot.

"no." He replied Ed.

"Why not got scared? Not afraid of?" asks David.

"Is not because of fear, but because it is not the first time that I see a door slam or something moves alone and will not be the last. I mean I'm not afraid," said Ed.

"Then why do not you afraid?" asked David.

"Well, I know not explain. When I was five years old up to my twelve I lived in a haunted house. At that time I was afraid. Maybe I should be why I'm not afraid. It was also why I became interested in demonology. why all these questions? " said Ed.

"Because I was afraid when the door closed and alone when I was attacked, and I saw that you have not. It made me curious." He explained David.

"All afraid of something." said Ed.

"But I said that was not afraid." said David.

"I said I was not afraid of subrenatural. But I'm afraid of something." said Ed.

"fear of what?" asked David.

"Losing the woman I love. The woman of my life." He said Ed and Lorraine looked at who was talking to Debbie.

"That's your biggest fear? I thought I was dying." said David.

"I'm not afraid of death. I know I will be going to a beautiful place, such a spectacular place that defies words." said Ed.

"Then his only fear is of losing his wife. And I'm afraid of everything." said David.

"It is normal, you're still young. But when you grow up you will stop being afraid." said Ed and you a gentle pat on the shoulder and go to Drew.

The conjuring 3: Ed e Lorraine Warren.Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat