Capítulo 25

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Lorraine was woke at dawn, she looked back and saw that Ed was still sleeping soundly. Lorraine noiselessly has come up closer to him and put his head on top of it from his chest. Lorraine with the other hand begins to make drawings on the right side Ed breast.

He felt the heartbeat of her next to him, that was the only thing that mattered to him after all, she was fine, that his heart was still beating. As he listened to his breathing, your heartbeat next to him, it took them away from all the inevitable problems that seemed to surround them, he took in its beauty. Ed Warren looked at his beautiful and magnificent woman and saw how beautiful she was and how lucky he was to find it, when you have married her.

He was scared, although he would never admit it, he was afraid more than anything to lose it, because he was completely and totally in love with her. His brown-blonde hair, her summer scent and flowers, her laugh that made him happy, these were the things he had in things that caused their speed of your heart, stumble ligeiramentedas his words whenever she was near. His feelings for her were permanent, no matter what they said about him.

Lorraine was asleep when Ed opened his eyes, he tried to get up but when he saw that his beautiful and beloved wife had her head on his chest, Ed let himself be lying. He per second thought to get her off him, but that could acrda it and that was all he did not want to do, then returned no alternative other than to let yourself be quito in bed to not wake the woman that he  love.

Lorraine woke up around eight in the morning and a half. Ed was looking for th ceiling but pretended he had just woken up.

"Good morning hon." he said looking at those blue eyes of water color Ed melted so that the look.

"Good Morning." she said and smiled that smile that Ed loved seeing stamped on her face.

"We have to go to the house of Jesse" he said. "I already called to Drew to tell him to be there in the morning."

"Then we still have to leave Judy at school." said Lorraine.

"As we have." he said and got up from bed while Lorraine.

They left the room half an hour after waking up, went into the kitchen, Georgiana was already preparing the table for breakfast.

"Good morning hon" said Ed for Judy and her a kiss on the forehead. "Good morning Georgiana." He said turning to his beloved mother.

"Bomdia honey" said Lorraine giving a kiss on the forehead of his daughter, Judy. "Good morning mom." He said again to Lorraine giving a kiss on the cheek of his mother worshiped.

Ed and Lorraine after they have finished taking breakfast and once they have taken to Judy to school, went to Massachusetts.

Ed, Lorraine and Drew arrived at the same time.

"Good morning Ed. Good morning Lorraine" said Drew out of the car.

"Good Morning." said the two in unison.

"Drew, to help unload the material, and this time try not to engraçar with some girl who did not in the case of Perron." He said Ed looking at Drew.

"Certainly sir." Drew said trying not to laugh.

"Hi Joe" said Lorraine to enter the house.

"Good morning" said Joe.

Ed and Drew unloaded the material and began to assemble the equipment throughout the house. They put cameras in every room of the house and bells on all ports.

During the night Ed was to check if the cameras were working with Drew. They heard all the cameras to shoot through the headphones.

After Ed and Lorraine sat Numas chairs and Ed moved into the recorder. When he looked at Lorraine she saw that she had rested her head on the arm that was on the chair beside her.

The conjuring 3: Ed e Lorraine Warren.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ