Capítulo 8

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Lorraine woke up in bed, no one was home. It was comfortable, but again, it was not comfortable. Ed had gone out to run some errands, her mother was in the house of one of his friends playing cards, and Judy was in school. This set have the whole house to her was not what she wanted, on top after what happened.

Since the last case they had investigated, Ed did not want Lorraine out of their sight. Lorraine could feel when he was home, and she always knew if something was wrong, or if he was not sure. Being a clairvoyant has to benefits; sometimes Indifference.

Lorraine rolled out of bed and put on a beautiful white dress. She left the room and headed for acozinha. She took a cup of tea and sat at the table reading the newspaper. This was a nice little since the house was quiet, and she could read something without feeling something when everyone around you. Most of the time, she gets good feelings, but sometimes the feeling that she rebece are not anything good.

She read the whole newspaper and then went to sit in the room to read the Bible. Consegiu not really read anything. She looked forward and began to have flashbacks of the last case crossed your mind. His fingers tapped against the Bible and the other hand gripped the armrest.

After all his visions gone, he got up and began to clean house. Lorraine could not sit to read, because something like just happened, could happen again. She cleaned the whole house except the bedroom with all ducts, which was the only room he not cleared.

Once the house was clean, she was walking down the corridor to return to the room, when she saw someone sitting on the hallway floor, Lorraine stopped walking and looked at her. The woman was sitting on the hall floor was the Lorraine own, but only with a difference, she was possessed. Lorraine watched her for a few moments as she stood up and looked at her.

She began to crawl in direction of Lorraine who started walking backwards with shaky breath and forced to maximum to control and stay calm. since Lorraine was yelling something, the door opened the kitchen and Ed came in. Lorraine was against him and Ed saw that she was scared, and Lorraine hugged him strongly.

"Hey, Hon, you okay? What happened?" Ed said hugging her too. When Ed saw that she did not speak, then he changed the subject, for he saw had something to do with what had happened.

"It smells good here, you went to clean the house?" Ed asked when Lorraine felt Ed's lips pressing your hair. Lorraine rested his head against Ed's chest.

"I cleaned up, kept me busy while you and Judy were gone. When cleaning the house was one soliuçao I have found to keep my mind occupied," she said with a smile as Ed looked at her preopado. Lorraine looked forward for a few seconds and then said. "I think we should ask the Father to bless the house, and the room also conduct"

"it's all right?" She could hear the concern in the voice when Ed Lorraine looked at him.

"It's okay, honey," she said with a reassuring smile. "Can you teach me how to paint?" she asks.

"You want to learn to paint?" oergunta Ed with much concern.

"Yes, I mean, I know how to paint something, but wanted to learn more, to keep me busy." said Lorraine and a kiss on the mouth of his dear and beloved husband.

Later Lorraine had cooked roast beef in the oven while waiting for Ed to fetch her daughter and mother. He pulled the oven roast and put it on the table. Judy, Ed, Georgianna and Lorraine sat at the table as a family. That was a happy time, there is much that they not sat at the table as a family. But this was changing.

After dinner Lorraine was taking a shower. She and her mother cleaned the kitchen, then Ed and she spent the night in the office.

They had prepared some notes and old cases filed away. They always wrote notes on previous cases. It helped them nasa lecture they gave.

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