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"Act as if you're taking the shirt off," the photographer instructed Harry.

Harry did as told, keeping the same scowl expression on his face as the picture was snapped. The photographer gave him the thumbs up, meaning that he had a short five minute break to get changed into the next outfit for the shoot. Harry looked down at himself briefly, feeling as though he looked too suggestive.

The nearly naked photo shoots were something that he tried to steer clear from. They made him feel insecure about his body. Often times, he felt like he didn't have enough muscles or prominent enough abs to be taking those types of photos. On the rare occasion, he felt that he was too overweight compared to the other models. He knew that he wasn't fat or anything like that, but he wasn't like the twig size models that are often posing in certain magazines.

His old manager, Jamie, always tried to force him to change his looks. He tried to change Harry's way of life by telling him that he needed to run twice every morning, not to eat anything other than small helpings of lettuce, and on top of the barely eating, he wouldn't let Harry eat a day and a half before a shoot or a show. Of course, being young and wanting to get his status built up right away, Harry had tried to follow Jamie's antics because he was his manager. He knew what he was doing and Harry had been new to the business.

Jamie also was big into booking the sexual photo shoots. He believed that sex appeal would do Harry's modeling career wonders. Of course, Jamie was right in his thinking - but the only photo shoots that were majorly attracted to a "twink" posing basically nude were the pornographic magazines - especially the gay ones.

Harry didn't have a problem with posing for gay magazines because he had identified as homosexual. The only thing that he had a problem with was that the type of gay magazines that were courting him in the beginning of his career were normally gay porn magazines. He refused to pose completely naked. He didn't want to have the knowledge that some old pervert was wanking to his picture. Not only that, but he would feel uncomfortable just walking in the streets. He didn't want to get smirks or anything of the sort from people that read the magazines. It just gave him a gross feeling.

After about four months of the neglect and the pushing for porn photo shoots, Harry finally decided to fire Jamie. As much as he did help get Harry's career a good start, he couldn't keep starving himself or feeling uncomfortable doing something that he had originally loved. It was the best and one of the few biggest decisions that Harry had ever made for himself and he had only been eighteen years old at the time.

"How you feeling, Haz?" his current manager, Ellie, asked him, putting her arm around Harry's bare back.

"I'm alright," Harry answered after he had taken a sip of his tea from Starbucks. "These photos aren't too suggestive, are they?"

"No, not at all. You look great, Harry," Ellie told him with a wide smile, but ended up giving Harry a playful nudge on the shoulder when he gave her an unconvinced expression. "I promise you! If you don't believe me, I'm sure Ralphy would gladly show you. That is, after you change into your next outfit!"

"What is the next shoot about anyway?" Harry asked.

"Um, I believe it something to do with the same scene, but it's more of a posh country boy kind of look. Honestly, the outfit is going to look gorgeous on you," Ellie gushed, turning around as she grabbed it off the hook along with the picture of how it should look on Harry. "It's like it was made for you."

Harry looked at it, his mouth falling open in pleasant surprise. It was a sleeveless red and white flannel crop top paired with light acid washed ripped capri type jeans with shiny black loafers that resembled tap shoes. There was a few accessories, like a long silver necklace and a few thin gold bangles to go on his arms. The outfit was absolutely adorable and it was one of the few that Harry would actually want to leave the studio in.

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