Thank You!

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I can't believe that this story is actually over. I'm going to miss writing this story so much! However, I'm glad that it's over and I got to end it at a good spot. :)

Thank you all so very much for taking the time to read this and put up with my crappy update schedule! As usual, the comments and votes mean the world!

I really can't thank you all enough for the comments and votes and taking the time to read this. Your comments always bring a smile to my face and seeing the amount of votes/reads also makes me so grateful. Tbh, I didn't think that this would have as much reads and shit as it does. I can't believe it and I am so so so thankful! <3

In conclusion, you guys are the most amazing humans. Thank you for sticking with me through my shit updating schedule and all that happy shit. You deserve gold stickers.

All the love. -B

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