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Dedication: Everyone who has taken the time to read this and stick with me throughout this story! I love you all so much and am so grateful that you've enjoyed it! It's been a great ride!

- One Year Later -

Harry walked off the set, feeling odd that he wasn't still smoldering like he had been during the entirety of the shoot. Ellie was standing next to his makeup table, smiling the widest she had ever done before. Harry couldn't help but return it. It was a celebratory event after all.

"Harry, I am so proud of you!" she screeched, taking him in a big hug. "I can't believe that you've wrapped your first cover shoot! How does it feel?"

"Surreal to say the least. Can't believe that I would ever be here," Harry smiled, looking around the Vogue building. It was his best accomplishment. "Are Liam and Niall here yet?"

"Liam just messaged me a minute ago and said that the cab just dropped them off," Ellie relayed. "Why don't you get dressed and I'll go find them?"

Harry nodded as Ellie took off. He sat down at his chair, admiring his hair. He had cut it a while back so it was shorter. He felt it was necessary in order to move on after the events that had happened. It was a new leaf. He was going to start as a new person, which he did. It was starting to get longer and wasn't as short and kempt as it used to be. His curls were becoming more prominent again, which made him happy. As much as he loved his shorter hair, he missed his long hair. It was his favorite feature about himself.

He grabbed some of the makeup wipes that Amber Lynn had set out for him before she took off for the day. It was hard to believe that it had only been a year since the two of them had met. She was one of his closest friends and he was grateful to have her. She gave him advice about life and they shared in each other's successes. Harry helped her to achieve her dreams by being the best model that he could, giving her a full time job of being his hairdresser and makeup artist. It was the least he could do.

The past year had been a whirlwind. While it took a bit for Harry to move on from the incident with Louis, he finally did. There were still times that he thought about it and felt upset. Trusting people was a big issue for Harry yet, unsurprisingly. He hadn't dated since Louis because of the fear that they would just use him. He knew that he couldn't generalize that all men were like that, but it was hard to look past it and not be cautious. He didn't want to experience that pain ever again.

Once he was dressed and ready to go out to dinner with his friends, his phone began to vibrate on the counter. "Hello?"

"Hey, so, Niall isn't feeling all that well. They're going to go to their hotel for a bit. What do you want to do?" Ellie asked.

Harry felt sad because he had been looking forward to their dinner all week, but he understood at the same time. "Okay. That's alright. We can schedule for tomorrow then! I'll just stop by Starbucks and go home then. You should go home too. You deserve a break. You did a lot this week."

"Oh, Harry. You know me. I have to do my work. I appreciate it though. If you get lonely or anything though, give me a call," Ellie told him.

""I certainly will," Harry responded, ending the call.

With a sigh, he grabbed his belongings and flipped the lights surrounding the mirror off. Since his night had just opened up, he figured that he would stop by Starbucks and see Zoey, catch up with her more than he did in the mornings. They were friends, but he felt like he never got to talk to her much like he used to do in the mornings. He pulled up the Uber app, ordering himself one since the photo studio was quite a ways from his apartment building. He walked down to the first floor of the building and sat down on one of the plush chairs, waiting until his Uber arrived.

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