Chapter 3

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Jimin was walking out from his class and saw Jungkook waiting for him.

" Hi, Jungkook." Jimin greeted.

" Oh, hi Jimin."

" How did you know that my class is here?" Jimin raised an eyebrow and Jungkook panic.

" Um.. I saw you entering the class just now so I wanted to hang out with you after your class. Its done right?" Jimin nodded.

" Yeap. Let's go to the cafeteria and get our lunch. I'm quite hungry." Jimin said.

" Okay."

They went to the cafeteria together and ate together. They don't talk alot. Both were shy and timid towards each other.

" You know, we should talk or something." Jimin speak up.

" I know. I'm sorry. I just don't know what to talk about."

" Okay. Let's talk about you. When is your birthday?" Jimin asked.

" 1st September. You?"

" 13 October. What's your favourite colour?"

" Red and yours blue right?" Jimin was shocked. How the heck did Jungkook know?

" Yeah. Baby blue." Jungkook nodded. " Do you dance?"

" Yeah. Just a little, not that good. I heard that you're good at dancing. Can you show me when you have time?"

Another secret of his that Jungkook knows.

" Y-yeah. Sure."

They continue to eat in peace.

" Ya know. Why does people hate you? You're so nice and adorable." Jungkook suddenly blurt out.

" They hate me because I'm nice. They said that I only act saint and innocent so people would like me like I'm some kind of a hypocrite. But I'm not. It's just me." Jimin sighed.

" I know. You're like an angle who was sent from the heaven. Pure and innocent, making you look so irresistible." Jungkook muttered and Jimin blushed.

" If I was sent from the heaven, I'm not an angel. I'm a fallen angel."

" A beautiful one." Jungkook accidentally said. He just couldn't help himself but to say that Jimin's beautiful. Oh how he wish he hold that small hands of Jimin's in his.

They stared at each other for a moment but Jimin's cheeks was getting more obvious so he broke away the eye contact.

" Hey. I gotta go. I have class."

" Yeah. Me too. See you later." Jungkook said and Jimin nodded.


Jimin was lying down on his bed, scrolling his phone screen. Then a message came in and it was from Jungkook.

From: Jeon Jungkook

Hey. It's Jungkook. Are you free tomorrow? Do you wanna hang out after class. Mine ends at 4.

To be honest, Jimin found Jungkook really sweet and cute. Jimin knows that Jungkook was trying to court him or only acting to get into his pants. Either one but let's think positive.

To: Jeon Jungkook

Mine ends at 5. Is it okay for you to wait for one hour?

From: Jeon Jungkook

Sure. Meet you at 5. <3

Jimin gulped. Jungkook just sent him a <3..

Jimin shrugged it off and went to sleep.

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