Chapter 2

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Jimin got kicked out from the class because the lecturer was being a bitch and didn't even want to hear any excuses from Jimin from being late so Jimin went to the cafeteria and sighed as he sit down, resting his head on the table, shutting his eyes.

" I hate life." Jimin muttered.

How can he not? He always got bullied since middle school until now. He doesn't have any parents but does have a caring brother but who is busy most of the time. Jimin isn't rich but he's smart. He was the teacher's pet, which made every students hate him. The teacher's would always be on his side since his a nice boy. Other students said that he acts so innocent and saint which he doesn't actually, he is innocent and saint. He was never a bad boy. He never acts. He always becomes himself but he himself has a very low self-esteem and confidence. People called him ugly and fat and faggot but he didn't care and wished for school to end faster but college was no different.

Puberty hit him kinda hard and everyone has been trying to get into his pants. They even bet money, to who gets Jimin's virginity will win. Jimin knew about this stuff and Jackson was one of those fucktards.

" I thought you have a class?" Jimin looked up and saw the boy who helped him earlier.

" Oh. Hi." Jimin greeted him

" Hi. Can I sit?" The boy asked, pulling the chair out to sit.

" Go ahead." Jimin said.

The boy sat down and looked at Jimin.

" So, what happen?"

" I got kick out from class. The lecturer was being an asshole and I had to leave."

" I told you."

" Yeah. Should've listen. Anyways, the names Park Jimin,"

" I know." Jimin was shocked. The boy know him? " I'm Jeon Jungkook." Jungkook reached out his arm to give Jimin a handshake and Jimin accept it. Jimin stared at Jungkook's face.

He looks familiar. Where have I seen him before?

" Umm, Jungkook-sshi, have we met before other than this morning? I mean like- you look familiar." Jimin asked.

" Just call me Jungkook. No. I don't think so. I mean, I do know your name because I've seen you around the college and you are the smartest in Psychology course."

" Do you take phychology course?"

" No, business." Jimin raised an eyebrow.

" How did you know that I'm the smartest then?"

Oh shit.

" Um, I- "

" Jungkook, were you stalking me?" Jimin gasped.

" No, I- Someone.. Oh god, this is so fucked up. Okay look, I've been watching you since you the first day I saw you and I wanted to know you but I never had the courage to face you." Jungkook confessed.

" Oh." Jimin blushed.

" I just find you really cute and attractive and knowing you are innocent and pure makes me wanted to protect you but being the coward shit I am, I didn't until today."

" Jungkook, if you're expecting something from me, I can't give it to you. I just met you."

" I know! That's not what I meant. I just- Can we be friends and get to know each other better because I really do like you and want to know you better. It really hurts me to see you getting hurt and harassed by other people. I can protect you from those fucktards."

" Um,"

" I'm sorry." Jungkook mumbled. " But I really can. I took black belt when I was in middle school and master it." The statement makes Jimin chuckle.

Jungkook is actually kinda cute. No. He's actually a hotie but why does Jimin never notice him before.

" Okay. Slow down. I get you. Maybe we can start off slowly as friends."

" Yeah. That's a great idea. Can I - umm, have your number?" Jungkook asked timidly, rubbing the back of his neck.

" Yeah, sure." Jimin smiled and gave him his phone number.

They talked for a bit before Jimin left for his class. Jungkook just looked at his back, smiling. He was happy and glad that he's finally get to talk to Jimin after years of watching him.

I'll make you mine.


Jimin was on his way to his car and entered but someone suddenly pulled him out back and pinned him against his car. Jimin whimpered and looked at the person.

It was Jackson.

" What do you want Jackson?!" Jimin yelled.

" What do I want? I want to fuck you so I'll win the bet and I'll fuck you right now." Jackson groaned and almost kiss Jimin's lips but he was pulled away by someone and received a punch across his cheek. Jackson looked up and saw Jungkook.

" You fucking bastard! You dare touching him again and I'll beat the hell out of you." Jimin looked at Jungkook, eyes widen as Jackson ran away.

" Jungkook," He whimpered.

Jungkook looked at Jimin and wanted to cupped his cheeks but he restrained himself from doing so.

" Hey, are you okay?" Jungkook asked.

" Yes. I'm fine. Thank you, Jungkook."

" Do you want me to accompany you?" Jungkook offered but Jimin rejects his offer.

" It's okay. Thank you again." With that Jimin entered his car and drove away.

Jungkook understand why Jimin acted that way. He just got attacked so he must be scared.

As for Jimin, he can't believe Jungkook just yet. Who knows Jungkook might be one of the guys who just wanted to get into his pants but did it in a nice way.

He park his car infront of his house and went inside.

Little did he know, someone was watching him.

End of chapter 2

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