4. Looks like the boy's too shy

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Ursula slowly swam to the adjoining hall. Queen Galataye, Psamanthe, Halimede, Ganeon, and Triton were floating around the king, talking quietly. They stopped when they saw her. "How is he doing?" Ursula whispered.

"There's been no change," Galataye said softly. "Anymore, I don't know whether to be gladdened or upset by that."

"I understand, Your Majesty," Ursula replied. "I believe I've mastered this vitality spell, but the longer we can observe its effects on the volunteers, the more comfortable I'll be in carrying it out on your husband. The good news is that there have been no side effects or reversals or anything bad at all happening to a single subject so far."

"That's excellent, Ursula. We do appreciate your efforts today. We all looked in on you this afternoon at times and saw you so hard at work." The queen offered a small, tired smile.

"Yes, and some of us watched you this morning as well," murmured Halimede. Psamanthe jabbed her in the ribs with an elbow and they dissolved into giggles.

Galataye shot her daughters a warning look. Ursula dared not look at Triton, so she glanced at Ganeon instead. He was squirming and pretending to study the floor.

The queen cleared her throat. "How soon can you administer the treatment?" she asked Ursula, businesslike.

"If we have a quiet night...meaning, if none of the volunteers report problems by morning, I think Ephram will give me permission to do it tomorrow."

"Wonderful," said the queen.

Ursula tried to stifle a yawn and failed. She shook her head quickly and smiled weakly. "I apologize, Your Highness. I'm going to send for some refreshments before the night shift begins. Can I offer you anything? Any of you?" She looked around at all of them.

"Goodness, no!" exclaimed Queen Galataye. "When was the last time you were home? The last time you really slept?"

"It's been a couple days since either," Ursula admitted, fighting another yawn. "But I promised you I would—"

"I know, I know," interrupted the queen, exasperated. "But I command you to go home and get some proper rest before working on the king. For your sake and his. The princesses and I will stay here tonight."

"Yes, Your Excellency." Ursula understood her concern and didn't feel like arguing.

"You look very weary, Ursula," said Triton. One of us should see you home..." he looked around at his family. "Perhaps I..." he ventured.

"I agree," said Galataye quickly. "But I need to discuss something with you and the princesses. Ganeon, please see Ursula to her door."

Ganeon had been lost in some reverie, but now snapped to attention. He looked at his mother, petrified. She raised her lovely dark brows at him, her mouth in a stern line.

He threw his shoulders back. "Of course." He offered Ursula his arm and a polite little smile. "Shall we?"

"Thank you." She linked her arm in his. "Goodnight, Your Majesties."

"Goodnight," responded three female voices in unison. As Ursula and Ganeon swam away, she looked back over her shoulder at Triton. He raised one hand in a silent parting wave, his face crestfallen.


Ursula didn't know whether to rejoice or give in to mutual disappointment. It seemed unbelievable that this extraordinary individual—kind, noble, staggeringly gorgeous, and royalty—would seek to spend more time with her. And so openly! She marveled at this, all but forgetting her escort until he spoke.

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